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I'll be glad to usher this one out the door.  All the turmoil ans weather disasters  have made it very stressful.



New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: It Hasnt Been A Great Year

I need to tally up the scorecard . . . but I think I'm with ya, @Kachina624 !!!!

Lynn-Critter Lover!
(especially cats!)
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Re: It Hasnt Been A Great Year

Things have not been good for me.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: It Hasnt Been A Great Year

Cheers to 2025.  Hoping it is a better year.

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Re: It Hasnt Been A Great Year

I remember saying the same thing since 12/31/2020 when COVID devastated the world.  Every year since has been tumultuous in one way or another.  This New Year's eve I will pray for health, strength and perseverance, there is so much going on and so many people dealing with so many different things.

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Re: It Hasnt Been A Great Year



I'm a numbers person and like even numbers. Odd numbers are just odd. So even though I've had a lot of personal struggles this year, I'm certainly looking for a better 2025.

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Re: It Hasnt Been A Great Year

The Covid years were the worst for me, losing 2 immediate and much loved family members too young, too soon. 2024 was tough, but I learned a lot, started a new job and had some surprise travels and re-emergence of old friends in my life. 

My family is thriving and that's what is important to me, considering the alternative, which can consume you.

One day at a time. I do like the clean slate of a new year though.

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Re: It Hasnt Been A Great Year

I lost my mom in January, and am down to the very last days with my husband of 50 years.  Any way it goes, the new year will be challenging for me.  

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Re: It Hasnt Been A Great Year

Sorry to those who have/had it tough.


Despite a few bumps here and there, it's been a good year for me overall and i'm hopeful for 2025.


Wishing all a happy and healthy new year!

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Re: It Hasnt Been A Great Year

Hasn't been a good year for my family health wise and I hope 2025 is better.  But we deal with and go on, just wish it were easier to function without so many challenges.

If my dog doesn't like you, neither do I.