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Re: Is it true JC Penney is closing in 2018?

The question isn't an unreasonable one. I read retail blogs like Retail Dive and there have been a lot of various retail closures this year and the outlook isn't any better for next year. The way people shop has changed and department stores are having to close stores in order to stay in business. People are staying away from many department stores and the malls that they are attached to and shopping online or elsewhere.



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Re: Is it true JC Penney is closing in 2018?

@SouthernBee wrote:

@Lindsays Grandma- friend lived up north and moved south  4 years ago to care for a sick relative that  later died. Church friends helped her get the job with JCP. She loves JCP but this last year has been very difficult and stressful. She called me yesterday asking for me to do extra prayers for her and if I knew of any other employment ideas. I laughed and said we had lunch at Cici's pizza and they had sign looking for store managers. She said - please no manager jobs or retail. I told her she might be eligible for pizza discount and that would take care of one meal per day. She said she likes me because I always make her laugh. SouthernBee 

She's looking for work but retail is not acceptable?

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Re: Is it true JC Penney is closing in 2018?

Retail is an evolutionary business where only the strongest survive. Here in the Delaware Valley we've seen lots of old chains fall by the wayside. Almart, WT Grant, Two Guys (I thought they had a great business model,) Ames, Bradlee's, Montgomery Ward, and lots more have all been killed off. 


The Two Guys chain was very impressive.They were essentially Walmart Super Centers, just bigger and more diverse. They included lumber yards, a full featured pet shop, furniture, an in-store restaurant, beauty salon/spa, groceries, home goods, huge electronics department, a massive jewelry department, cosmetics, clothing by the mile, and more. You could literally build and fully furnish a house in just the Two Guys store buying everything from the cinder blocks for the foundation to the roofing, and everything needed inside the house all in the one store. It was really all in one shopping experience. You could even have your car serviced in their garage while you shopped. The energy crisis in the seventies largely killed them with the high cost to heat and cool their massive stores.


In retail you can go from being king, to being out of business in a very short span. Right now, at this moment, online and convenience stores are ruling the day. The only thing constant in retail is change.


I have a suspicion that the near future in retail will be some combo of the old Best/Basco/Service Merchandise type catalog showroom where you'll simply point your smartphone at items you want to buy and their in-store computer will chat with your phone and gather the items and have them all bagged and ready for you to pick up as you leave the store. A relatively smallish store (at least out front) could display a ton of stuff in a smallish space with just one of everything on display. You just scan the item you're interested into your phone and it'll be there ready for you to pick up on your way out. They'll likely also have a web platform for stay at home shoppers and provide delivery. The self-driving vehicles that are coming with the new 5G tech will also change package delivery. Packages can be driven to the front of your house by an autonomous vehicle and then deposited on your porch or doorstep by a drone simply wandering back and forth from the self-driving delivery vehicle. Texts can go out to the buyer as the package is being delivered.  UPS and Fed-Ex will be nothing but a memory.

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Re: Is it true JC Penney is closing in 2018?

We had two malls.  One has been closed and shuttered for over 15 years.  The other remaining mall most of the stores are small from the get-go.  Now most stores are going or have gone.  What is left is a drive 60 mile round trip to outlet malls.  Only choice except for an abundance of Walmarts and online shopping.  And actually I am one who likes the  online experience.. Amazon in particular. 

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Re: Is it true JC Penney is closing in 2018?

Our store newly remodeled as well and is nice.  Jusy shopped there and got some really nice bargains for my daughter and week before some nice items for me.  I hope it stays and need some decent stores and not too impressed with the ones they have been bringing into my area lately.  Cheap stuff and bargain basement look to them.


I prefer to go and shop than to spend my time shopping on line.  I enjoy looking and getting my exercise too.

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Re: Is it true JC Penney is closing in 2018?

I love JC Penneys.  It is the only store I can remember being around when I was a child and I am 66.  We did not shop much but when we went to JC Penneys it was like a wonderland to me.  I have always loved the store.  When they close completely I may cry.

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Re: Is it true JC Penney is closing in 2018?

I have to buy online from JC Penney cause we have none nearby.  Not even a return center. 

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Re: Is it true JC Penney is closing in 2018?

Mall closure did not just begin with the internet.  The idea reaches back to the 1980s when the government decided there was so much crime in malls, they would partner with the technology universities to bring about a solution.  The idea of high-end strip malls was next on the platter, but so many stores without the high-end budget did not last and thus, the next idea was short-lived secondary to the crash of 2008 (which was long overdue) and the depression of the past 8-9 years caused retailers to rethink secondary to the internet taking a big chunk of sales.  Now the internet is the place to be and only the stores with good marketing staff and progressive ideas will remain. 


I really regret the closing of catalog stores, e.g., Sears, Montgomery Ward and especially Service Merchandise and JC Penney.  I loved browsing these catalogs and my kids loved getting the big catalog in August for school shopping.  Even the boys liked it.  So did their mommy because it saved my back, my feet and my pocketbook from shopping at the mall or some of the more expensive stores.

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Re: Is it true JC Penney is closing in 2018?

The last time I was in a JCP was about 6 years ago and even back then it was one hot mess.


I looked around and left.  I couldn't deal with the chaos.

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Re: Is it true JC Penney is closing in 2018?

@smoky22 wrote:

Seeing one store in disarray does not mean the entire chain is closing.  I find your headline a little irresponsible.


I have 3 JCPenney stores near me and they are all great. 

Maybe your answer is irresponsible.  Have you thought of that?