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Is it a "boyfriend" in your 60s?

My friend is 66 years old and has been with her guy for over 30 years but they do not live together. She calls him her boyfriend but it sounds silly at that age. What would you introduce him as other than by his name?
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Re: Is it a ""boyfriend"" in your 60s?

I would simply introduce him as my "partner". Also I've heard other long-term, but unmarried couples refer to each other as "my companion". Either one works, I guess.

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Re: Is it a ""boyfriend"" in your 60s?

Ya know, if I was in my 60's and 70's and dating, I think I'd say *boyfriend*. Sounds kinda sassy.

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Re: Is it a ""boyfriend"" in your 60s?

When I see the term 'boyfriend' I think of going to the Sweet Shop and hanging out with Archie and the gang for shakes and burgers. At 60ish of age, I would use the term 'partner' or 'companion' but introducing the person by name works at any age.

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Re: Is it a ""boyfriend"" in your 60s?

""The old man"" works for me...
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Re: Is it a ""boyfriend"" in your 60s?

how about ""friend""
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Re: Is it a ""boyfriend"" in your 60s?

I would say he was my partner.

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Re: Is it a ""boyfriend"" in your 60s?

I'd probably say 'friend'. It just 'sounds comfortably right' (to me).

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Is it a ""boyfriend"" in your 60s?

I'd introduce him as my ""friend"". That's all someone meeting him needs to know.

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Re: Is it a ""boyfriend"" in your 60s?

BTW - I'm in my 30s and even at this age, I feel silly introducing him as my "boyfriend". He and I sometimes joke around and introduce each other as "my man-friend" (for him) and "my lady-friend" (for me). Both of those sound equally silly, don't they? LOL