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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

@Northray  I don't have instagram, but appreciate your funny story.  hahaha Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

It can’t hurt, but there is no magic. Many times, the very thing we fear we create ourselves. A lot of what happens to us is a “self-fulfilling prophecy.”


You can’t simply imagine, and it comes true.  Therapy can help rid you of the demons that bind you.


According to her words. Jen did not manifest Davinder into her life. What she did was be assertive and it worked out for her.

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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

There has been the "philosophy" of manifestation dating back for centuries.


Often it becomes a "new" method with variations based on being misunderstood as a new wave of thinking, of being.


It isn't.


Contemporary thinking leaves out the understanding that your energy aligns with the energy of the universe. It also leaves out that your intention must be for not only your good but for the good of all.


It is not about good thoughts, good intentions, good hopes etc.

Unless the seeds of negativity inside, and we all have them, are recognized, embraced, and accepted your "manifestation" will be incomplete.


The origin is centuries old, especially in Hinduism with the Law of Attraction.


Do as you will without harm to yourself and all other life forms, and especially Mother Earth. This is the basis.


Be well.

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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

My Take - Manifesting is something you had on your mind and heart and it comes to pass.  


Wishing is just that, wishing.  


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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

@Stray wrote:
It’s just the buzz word that is currently in use. Another word overused is “transparency”. It’s simple. Develop a life plan, set achievable goals & work toward them. I didn’t need to “manifest” just worked hard.

I thought that was "manifesting!"  Can't just sit & wait!

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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

@RescueLover wrote:

That most people don’t see in a lifetime?

Then when you see it… seeing again??


I'm not sure what you mean. Are you talking about a place or things? Or someone who has passed? 


Manifesting can be just a wish or someone can work hard to make it happen. 

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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

Thanks for ALL the Great posts about Manifesting!
I learned a lot!!

This is why I asked. Last December I saw a Bald Eagle in the field next to our house. Took pics of him, ran in the house to tell my family. My husband thought I must have seen a Turkey or Hawk until he saw my pictures! He ran to our dining room window to see him. And he did from a farther distance than me. Then we went outside, but he was gone.

I’ve been hoping and wishing I saw him again!!
AND if I did I would take pics of him in flight.

I looked out for him for days, weeks, months and my husband would just say, You never know.. you just might. 🥰
His optimism kept me going!!

A few weeks ago coming back home from Christmas shopping, I caught a glimpse of something Brilliant White in the field just like i had done before. It was a Bald Eagle!!! I took a bunch of pics and got him in flight this time! Absolutely AMAZING!!! The Most Beautiful thing I’ve ever seen!!

I ran into the house, yelling he came back!! My husband said, Who came back??? 😂

I was shaking like a leaf with so much Excitement !!
As we were looking at the pics of him on the ground, i said look!! There was another Bald Eagle flying above!! I hadn’t seen the other, but was beyond thrilled i captured him in the pictures!!

When I saw the first Bald Eagle the year before I researched to see if anyone had spotted one in our area before. About 8 years ago a guy spotted one while driving his car. It had flown across the road in the distance, but he did not get a picture.

I’m wondering if i really did manifest seeing one again or was it pure luck or is it some kind of sign???!!!

Anyone with answers, I’d love to know!! Thank YOU!!

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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

I forgot to add !!

Because there were two of them, we’re really hoping they have a nest somewhere close by!! I read where they mate for life too unless something happens to the other. 🥰

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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

[ Edited ]

@RescueLover  -  Eagles are the most beautiful creatures.  Coincidentally, a client of mine was able to take pictures of 2 eagles he saw the other day.  He sent them to me and the pictures were just breathtaking.  Glad you were able to see them again!