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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

My take on it is living and behaving with intention, in whatever area you are addressing, in order to "manifest" the results you want.  Just wishing for a change or goal doesn't make it come to fruition.

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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

@Citrine1 wrote:

Ugh.  Such an overused word.

If you have an Instagram you'll see just how overused it is.  Progressive has a funny commercial about the overuse of those terms and Instagram foolishness.  It's called the Beautiful Hike.


My friends and I joke when we ask, "Hey, what are you doing?" We reply, "Manifesting abundance and practicing gratitude," lol.    

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

[ Edited ]

@Zhills wrote:





This is my "Life Map" or a manifestion for my Life!                                                           Life Map.jpg



These are the things I wish to have in my life at all times.  


Every time you look at it you 'think' about them and 'draw' them to you!


Star for Hope, Dove for Peace, Bags for Money, Angels for Blessings, LOVE for everything!  Music for Pleasure, Christmas for Christ.  Books are for Friendships,  Pink ribbon for NO cancers! 


Can't hurt to wish these things into your life daily!


I believe!



@Zhills Lovely vision board. The circle (mandala) of your wreath brings peace and compassion among other forms of being.


Thank you for sharing.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

@Franklinbell wrote:

@Zhills @That's beautiful! You just gave me idea for a birthday present! 


Mine is a 20" wreath with the objects on it...but it can have any background!  Just my idea for one!


Hangs in my Den so I see it daily!

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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

Manifest example:


"Dress for the job you want and not the one you have."

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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

@Zhills   That is beautiful!  Thanks for sharing.  

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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

It’s just the buzz word that is currently in use. Another word overused is “transparency”. It’s simple. Develop a life plan, set achievable goals & work toward them. I didn’t need to “manifest” just worked hard.
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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

wishing is a waste of time and energy----

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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

A wish is a desire or strong feeling that you

want to have something or do something.



Without it, life would surely be boring!



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Re: Is Manifesting wishing you see something…

Manifesting is work. It is a daily practice that requires you to take action. Sometimes the action is hard or sad or scary. It is not simply wishing and hoping and praying.

It is being still with yourself, daily. Running through the things you have and being thankful. Opening your mind and heart to what the universe brings, understanding it is not always going to be what you expect. Understanding that the trials are a necessary element to bringing you to the person you are in the here and now. That those trials are your teacher.

Some people pray for things.

Some people wish for things.

Some people hope for things.

Some people practice manifestation.

Do whatever you feel is comfortable for you, but don't denigrate the philosophy. Especially when you appear to know nothing about it.

Using "you" in a general sense, btw.