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IrishGirl ~ To Continue.......

our chat, no. I've heard everything from Lime's Disease to possible liver issues? My white blood cells are off. I couldn't even lift my body out of bed at one point. Enough of my woes, when's Finnegan due?

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Re: IrishGirl ~ To Continue.......

I didn't know you were ill Sydney....How long???

I hope you get answers soon.

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Re: IrishGirl ~ To Continue.......

Oh dear, Sydney. I didn't know you have not been feeling well and hopeyou get a diagnosis soon.
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Re: IrishGirl ~ To Continue.......

Sydney, what's this! I'm sorry to read that you're sick.

Are you on antibiotics? (referring to your white blood cells)

Is there someone to help you with the kids and all?

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: IrishGirl ~ To Continue.......

Oh gosh Sydney. I figured you were on vacation or something. Do you have anymore appts scheduled or specialist to see? My white blood cell count was over 60,000 and normal range is between 4,500 and 10,000 I think so I know exactly what you mean when you say you could not lift your body out of bed, I felt the same. I felt the worst I have ever felt and I am so sorry you had to go through that. I hope they can figure this out soon. Keep us updated if it isn't too personal.

Finnegan will be here the first week of July. I am going nuts. I can't wait for the little guy to get here. My daughter had such morning sickness she had to be hospitalized for a couple of days but everything is great now. At her doctors appt this week they told her she just gained her first 4 lbs but they insist everything is ok. She is just now showing.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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Re: IrishGirl ~ To Continue.......

On 4/13/2014 scotttie said:

I didn't know you were ill Sydney....How long???

I hope you get answers soon.

A week from last Saturday. I thought I had food poisoning so of course I waited for it to pass but got progressively worse. I finally forced myself to go the PA and have had three blood tests and a liver ultrasound scheduled tomorrow. I've lost 7 lbs so far and she's threatening to have me admitted if I don't start seriously eating.

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Re: IrishGirl ~ To Continue.......

On 4/13/2014 SydneyH said:
On 4/13/2014 scotttie said:

I didn't know you were ill Sydney....How long???

I hope you get answers soon.

A week from last Saturday. I thought I had food poisoning so of course I waited for it to pass but got progressively worse. I finally forced myself to go the PA and have had three blood tests and a liver ultrasound scheduled tomorrow. I've lost 7 lbs so far and she's threatening to have me admitted if I don't start seriously eating.

Oh dear. I will pray for you friend, right now.

Let us know if there is any way we can help. Noel and I know a bit about this health stuff.

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Re: IrishGirl ~ To Continue.......

Are you getting enough to eat and drink? I know it is hard when you don't feel well. I hope your family is catering to you!

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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Re: IrishGirl ~ To Continue.......

I'm not diagnosing you but my husband had a high white cell count and an episode of what we thought was food poisoning. Then days later he began having some abdominal pain. He was treated for a kidney infection and then for kidney stones...just a thought. Drink water.
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Re: IrishGirl ~ To Continue.......

On 4/13/2014 SydneyH said:
On 4/13/2014 scotttie said:

I didn't know you were ill Sydney....How long???

I hope you get answers soon.

A week from last Saturday. I thought I had food poisoning so of course I waited for it to pass but got progressively worse. I finally forced myself to go the PA and have had three blood tests and a liver ultrasound scheduled tomorrow. I've lost 7 lbs so far and she's threatening to have me admitted if I don't start seriously eating.

Oh, honey, this has to be so difficult for you and your family. Prayers for a speedy diagnosis and recovery.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices