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Re: Interesting update on retail stores

So happy to hear this good news! A co-worker and I were just discussing how we both hope the remaining stores at our local mall don't close.

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Re: Interesting update on retail stores

An Aldi's store just opened in my area, and I am thrilled! Their prices are lower than WM, and their products are high quality IMO. 

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Re: Interesting update on retail stores

[ Edited ]

 @Catwhisperer wrote:

So many businesses have closed in my area. So sad. Many buildings have sat vacant for years. New businesses may open for a short time, then close. I let my Amazon membership expire and no longer order from them. They have gotten so greedy, raising prices and membership fees.



Yes its so sad to see businesses close and jobs lost with it.


And if people have to rely on Amazon and other online retailers, and customers want speedy home delivery, and their customer base grows guess who is going to be paying more and more for fast shipping. it isnt going to be the retailer, its going to be the customer in terms of either higher prices on products or higher prices for things like prime shipping!!! Prime went up $19 this year....STAY TUNED.............

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Re: Interesting update on retail stores

@Spurt....another reason I stopped doing business with Amazon is due to their terrible delivery service. I have  had a couple orders lost, and several orders delivered to other apt. complexes in my area. Fortunately, a couple of the people who received my orders in error were honest and brought the packages to my door. 

I promise to remind myself every day that I am strong, courageous, and resilient.
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Re: Interesting update on retail stores

@catwhisperer wrote:

@Spurt....another reason I stopped doing business with Amazon is due to their terrible delivery service. I have  had a couple orders lost, and several orders delivered to other apt. complexes in my area. Fortunately, a couple of the people who received my orders in error were honest and brought the packages to my door. 



Not surprising!  Thankfully those people were honest and you got your packages

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Re: Interesting update on retail stores

@feline groovy


This is good news and Im glad other retailers are fighting back......



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Re: Interesting update on retail stores

I have never understood why QVC has shown no interest in being competitive with their shipping costs...they are still light years behind most others.
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Re: Interesting update on retail stores

@wildlifewitch wrote:

It's just a matter of time for the ruthless Amazon and Walmart  team up and crush Qurate with shipping alone.



My opinion?   It already has

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Re: Interesting update on retail stores

As long as there is free shipping I prefer to order on line rather than have to go to the store.


Just last week I wanted to order something from Amazon but the shipping was almost as much as the item itself.  I will wait until I have a few other things I want and get the free shipping on the order.


I don't order enough from them to justify a Prime Membership.

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Re: Interesting update on retail stores

[ Edited ]

@catwhisperer wrote:

@Spurt....another reason I stopped doing business with Amazon is due to their terrible delivery service. I have  had a couple orders lost, and several orders delivered to other apt. complexes in my area. Fortunately, a couple of the people who received my orders in error were honest and brought the packages to my door. 

@catwhisperer  So funny...  my experience with delivery is just the opposite.  I find it to be exceptional.  RARE is the delayed package....   I think that's happened twice in all the years I've been a member.  I don't like the fact that they are now into everything, and you have to be more careful that you are getting the actualy item you are purchasing and not a knockoff...  but you can't beat the convenience. 

I purchase from both Amazon and locally as well.