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Re: Inquiry about prices on clothing

I guess what I was trying to ask was:  Does the price determine the value or quality. Paying more for a sweater or pair of pants for instance will the product be better, last longer, wash better, etc.??? I see such differences per item by price. I can buy from Blair for instance and get items that I love.  If I bought a like item from the Q would it be that much better????Prices seem out of control. And I do buy from their affiliate Zulily which I fully recommend. 

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Re: Inquiry about prices on clothing

[ Edited ]


I think Q prices are high compared to most other retailers. Of course, there are higher priced brands and retailers out there, and I have spent what I consider a good amount of money on certain items. But, for where I normally shop, I can find similar things for less than what the Q offers.


I have been generally pleased with the quality of things I've purchased from the Q. As far as Q quality being better than an item purchased at another store, I couldn't say that. I know some Q vendors say the quality is better, but I have to disagree when I'm still wearing clothing I purchased years ago for $20 or less from other places. 

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Re: Inquiry about prices on clothing

IMO - The only line of clothing that QVC sold that was such a bargain for the designs and the fabrics for the price was Linea Dell'Olio.  And we know what happened to that.

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Re: Inquiry about prices on clothing

[ Edited ]

@bonnielu wrote:

I guess what I was trying to ask was:  Does the price determine the value or quality. Paying more for a sweater or pair of pants for instance will the product be better, last longer, wash better, etc.??? I see such differences per item by price. I can buy from Blair for instance and get items that I love.  If I bought a like item from the Q would it be that much better????Prices seem out of control. And I do buy from their affiliate Zulily which I fully recommend. 

In my opinion NO!  Price points really don't determine quality like it used to do.  As for value, that is subjective @bonnielu .  Quality and value are not synonymous with one another, despite these words being part of QVC's name.

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Re: Inquiry about prices on clothing

The only clothing I buy at WM are the Time and Tru Jeggings. Best anywhere and haven't worn my ones from Chicos since I found these. The quality of most things I have from QVC was good...but still overpriced for what it is. Not everyone wants to joy wear a tunic and jeans/ leggings.  

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Re: Inquiry about prices on clothing

@DecorDiva, I also buy very little clothing from QVC since the Linea line is no longer available.


I don't find QVC's prices to be too far out of line for their products. I think the fact that I can find sizes and colors, not found elsewhere, at my fingertips to be of value to me.


@gertrudecloset, I don't find quality and value to be synonymous. Two different definitions of the words.

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Re: Inquiry about prices on clothing

[ Edited ]

@Etoile308 wrote:

@DecorDiva, I also buy very little clothing from QVC since the Linea line is no longer available.


I don't find QVC's prices to be too far out of line for their products. I think the fact that I can find sizes and colors, not found elsewhere, at my fingertips to be of value to me.


@gertrudecloset, I don't find quality and value to be synonymous. Two different definitions of the words.

Yep, that's what I meant @Etoile308 I have corrected it based on your response to me.  I certainly don't think one thing has anything to do with the other for sure!!!

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