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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

It's still there, it's fine....and so is the neighborhood.

Posts: 51
Registered: ‎04-06-2015

Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

It actually looks better. The new owners have preserved the integrity of the home but have added some high-end upgrades inside and out.

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

I'd have to return with an armored tank. My growing-up neighborhood in Brooklyn has really gone downhill. I'd be afraid to go back without police protection. Yeah, it's that bad.

"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett
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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

Driving by my childhood home literally makes me melancholy. It was a large stately home that was home to our family and also had two apartments (one upstairs, one downstairs). It would have made a lovely bed and breakfast because it is in a PA country setting near a town but off the beaten path. The family who purchased it has not maintained it well and it is in a very rundown condition. {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

None of the places we lived in as children (and there were many) exist anymore.

Formerly Ford1224
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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

I've driven by my childhood home many times since I still live in the same city. It looks the same just some repainting in the same color. Some of the homes around it aren't as well preserved.
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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

My childhood home is directly across the road from me, and my mom still lives there. Our rural neighborhood has improved thru the years; we've seen our one lane dirt road widened and paved, we no longer have party line phones, and we have public water and trash pickup. My family and one other family are the only original families left on this road; everyone else is new.