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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

My nephew lives there and he has done a lot of upgrades to Mom's house and the neighborhood is the same.

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

The house I was born in is still there and the house I grew up in is still there. The house I was born is in the city and it's a poor area now and while the main street is run down; the residential streets that run off it aren't so bad. I suppose you could say the neighborhood was middle class 50 years ago and now it's working class. But not a "ghetto" environment. My childhood home and the neighborhood hasn't changed much at all, if anything, it's a little nicer because some of the vacant lots we played in as kids now have really nice town houses on them. It's still working class to middle class and still "nice". When I grew up it was a white neighborhood and now it's mostly African Americans and Hispanics. I like driving around that neighborhood, we moved in when I was 4 and we left when I was 18. All my childhood memories are there.

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

My childhood of over 20 years in Chicago IS still there.

No, the neighborhood is not in any way as nice as when I lived there.

Hyacinth {#emotions_dlg.crying}

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

In the home I lived in during the 60's in Long Beach CA the homes and landscaping have been beautifully kept up, the only thing that has changed are the demographics. I distinctly remember that my elementary school taught basic Spanish back then and it being predominately a white European area at the time, mom's were scratching their head over that; very short sighted of them! A couple people I knew back in the day are living in their parent's home loving it, as they passed and left it to's a very peaceful area and neat as a pin.

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

It's still there, the neighborhood mostly looks the same, seems it's more people my age living there (based on who I've seen outside/in their yard when I've gone by) The streets in the area seem much busier now.

Before it was mostly older people (think grandparent age) with some families my parents age and the other kids in the neighborhood who we played together and went to school with.

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

Grew up in North Jersey. House looks the same and neighborhood is still thriving. Unfortunately, can't say the same for the lovely street of Victorian Homes that my father's doctor's office was on. They are rundown and surrounded now by chain link fences with razor wire around the tops to keep the drug traffickers out. Funny what a difference a few miles can make between a nice "bedroom community" and a down and out city. {#emotions_dlg.sad}

City has a great mayor now who is trying to turn things around and progress is being made. Wish him all the best.

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

My childhood home is still there and the neighborhood has improved a little. I've driven by that house often and some day I may get up the nerve to go to the door and ask to see it.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

The neighborhood I grew up in was a combination of working class Germans, Polish, and Irish people, most very hard working families who kept up their homes as best as they could. The neighborhood went through a decline in the 70's - 80's, but has since gotten much better. Lots of new construction and renovation of the older buildings. New homes now sell in the $1.5 to the $2 million range, and some much higher than that. I would say most of the older buildings have been renovated and the neighborhood is a prime draw for people who want to live in a nice, family friendly area with yards for kids and pets, but want to stay in the city.

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

My mom still lives in the same house they were building when I was born (we lost my dad several years ago).....and I live down on the other end of the same street. The neighborhood is still the same!

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

I grew up on several Michigan farms. They are all gone, suburbia now reigns.