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If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

Has the neighborhood gone down or are people keeping up the homes or does it look the same?

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

Still there and about the same through the years.

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

Downhill, but there is currently a revitalization project going on. Hopefully, it will bring it up.

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

I am living in my childhood home. It is still a nice neighborhood but not as nice as it was when I was growing up. There are a couple of vacant homes now so of course, those aren't maintained well at all. The other houses that are being lived in are all well maintained with the exception of 1.

There is a newer shopping center that backs up to my street. Unfortunately, people steal from those stores and our street is the one they run down so we often see them running full speed up the street trying to make their get away or cops are all over our street chasing them or looking for them. There have been a couple of times they've jumped our fence and run through our backyard. Once we were sitting outside as they ran through....twice!!!

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

Still there and the neighborhood is the same. House looks well maintained!

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

The house my dad built is still standing, but the neighborhood has changed so much thanks to the freeway which cut through the area and took out many homes in the vicinity. What was once a crescent shaped street, became a half crescent, and though the freeway can't be seen or heard from there, it still left its mark. My dad's greenhouse was standing empty, dilapidated and sad, the retaining wall in the back below the garden was crumbling, the red brick raised flower bed was torn out, as was the beautiful blue spruce in the front yard. I don't even want to think about what the inside of the house looks like now. A major highway and all its commerce nearby was basically left a ghost highway after the freeway went in, and most of the businesses there are gone. I guess Tom Wolfe was right when he said "You can't go home again."

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

I was inside my old home 10 years after we moved, and it looked better due to a renovation after a kitchen fire. When I looked it up recently on Google, the entrance to the neighborhood wasn't being maintained. Surprising as the houses are 600K and up, and the property taxes are around $10,000.
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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

On 4/7/2015 RainCityGirl said:

The house my dad built is still standing, but the neighborhood has changed so much thanks to the freeway which cut through the area and took out many homes in the vicinity. What was once a crescent shaped street, became a half crescent, and though the freeway can't be seen or heard from there, it still left its mark. My dad's greenhouse was standing empty, dilapidated and sad, the retaining wall in the back below the garden was crumbling, the red brick raised flower bed was torn out, as was the beautiful blue spruce in the front yard. I don't even want to think about what the inside of the house looks like now. A major highway and all its commerce nearby was basically left a ghost highway after the freeway went in, and most of the businesses there are gone. I guess Tom Wolfe was right when he said "You can't go home again."

That's sad. {#emotions_dlg.sad}

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Registered: ‎08-02-2013

Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

Grew up in several homes. Left almost 40 years ago and have no desire to ever go back.

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Re: If you were to return to your childhood home, is it still there and has the neighborhood gotten better or worse?

My childhood parish church was chosen for a "Mass Mob" - people come from all over and fill the pews (and collection basket). The parishioners give was a lot of fun.

BUT - the parish school closed about 10 years ago and the building is still empty. The church used to be filled for 5 or 6 Masses every weekend - now they just have 2 and it's 3/4 empty.

The main street has NO businesses, except for a few small restaurants, grocery stores, not much of anything. The neighborhood has definitely gone downhill.

But, on the positive side, home prices and taxes are low and there seemed to be a lot of small children around again.