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On 8/16/2014 dooBdoo said:
On 8/16/2014 tansy said:
On 8/16/2014 dooBdoo said:
On 8/16/2014 tansy said: Is the gardening thread still there, doo? I took a quick peek but didn't see spot anything.

Hi, there, tansy!Smile

This is the one that caught my attention earlier, not sure if all the posts are still there:

I hired a new gardener yesterday

Evening, dooB! I thought you were referring to a post on the gardening forumSmiley Happy

is your back feeling better?

Feeling much better, and I hope your knee is back to normal. Thanks for asking.Smile

Glad to hear your back is better! I have a surgery date in mid-September to get a new knee.

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Registered: ‎06-27-2010

That's great, tansy! I'll bet you'll feel like a new woman! Keep us posted, okay?

stilltamn8r, My apologies for going O/T.{#emotions_dlg.blushing}

Back to normal programming ...

Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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I'd go for a *Bench Trial*

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Registered: ‎11-20-2013

In my experience the participants in these forums are very representative of the general population. And in either case, I don't believe I would want half of them as jurors on any case in which I may be a defendant. It's the other half I'd be counting on.

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Coincidentally, after posting on this thread yesterday, I watched the movie "Twelve Angry Men" on my flight to Paris. A very powerful portrayal of how jurors biases can influence their view of guilt vs. innocence.
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No, I don't think I would get a fair trial. Every day I read the quick, and very harsh judgments of others based on an abbreviated version of a simple post. The original post is often not read closely, and the answers given do not always apply to the posters needs or requests, but the opinions given are strong, bold, and dominating. I see many mountains being made out of molehill posts on the board, and I do not feel anyone on trial would be judged fairly by many of the posters.

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On 8/16/2014 gazelle77 said: Ha! I would get the chair no doubt! LOL!


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Registered: ‎05-12-2014

I have always wanted to attend jury duty but now with a past head injury I doubt they would let me be on the jury even taking notes.

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On 8/17/2014 RedTop said:

No, I don't think I would get a fair trial. Every day I read the quick, and very harsh judgments of others based on an abbreviated version of a simple post. The original post is often not read closely, and the answers given do not always apply to the posters needs or requests, but the opinions given are strong, bold, and dominating. I see many mountains being made out of molehill posts on the board, and I do not feel anyone on trial would be judged fairly by many of the posters.

ITA...I've also noticed that someone will post something that is a news headline, and then ask questions about it because they haven't read the whole story and don't even know exactly what they're posting about. I just don't like to see comments that show people clearly have no clue what's going on, but they will give a very strong "opinion" about it anyway. Then when someone posts more about the full story, because they take the time to research it, the arguments are on -- with those who know what happened and those who obviously don't. And I'm talking about provable facts.

If that's how some people would look at evidence in a jury trial, I'll take the judge any day. There are posters here who take the time to be well-informed about a subject before they post and it's clear they've done their homework before forming an opinion. If I could find 12 like that, maybe a jury....

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RRR you can't just sit on a jury and take notes. Good grief, what a silly idea.