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Re: If it were any windier here, they'd have to call it a tornado type of winds.

I'm in NW Indiana.  Yesterday was trash pickup day.  We have a dumpster style recepticle.  Trash had been picked up by the time I returned from the health club and I saw our dumpster laying on its side.  I got distracted and didn't bring it back up right away.  Awhile later it dawned on me and when I went out to get it, it was across the street, and a house down from us.  The cover on the patio table came undone and was in the back yard too.  It was more challenging that usual, but the dog had fun playing frisbee.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-28-2015

Re: If it were any windier here, they'd have to call it a tornado type of winds.

[ Edited ]

It was windy here too up to 60 MPH....I saw all kings of things flying by my windowgulch-wizard-tornado.jpg

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Posts: 8,883
Registered: ‎06-25-2012

Re: If it were any windier here, they'd have to call it a tornado type of winds.

The Detroit area is having the second worst power outage since 1991. They got hit BAD. My son came home from work yesterday to find his next door neighbors HUGE tree had fallen smack dab over his neighbors house. The photos were unbelieveable that anyone survived inside! 

"Pure Michigan"
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Registered: ‎02-20-2017

Re: If it were any windier here, they'd have to call it a tornado type of winds.

 The wind was atrocious.  It's just starting to let up.  Last night, a tree was leaning so far over that the branches kept hitting the bedroom window.  I heard that all.night.long. 


There are branches and garbage all over the place.  Part of the fence is leaning over a little bit. 


It was like that for 3 days...

Honored Contributor
Posts: 17,016
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: If it were any windier here, they'd have to call it a tornado type of winds.

It is just so windy here much of the time,blowing at 25 miles a hour here right now.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
Honored Contributor
Posts: 22,338
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: If it were any windier here, they'd have to call it a tornado type of winds.

very windy here has been for 2 days and really won't let up till next week.


we are in bulls=eye of winter storms come this weekend and next week.  just looked at long range forecast won't warm up till end of march.


i guess spring is out there just not for us.