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If UPS doesn't deliver your goods on time, maybe this is why

[ Edited ]

A horrific crime spree cost several people their lives in Coral Gables, Florida, yesterday--including a UPS driver who was kidnapped when his truck was hijacked.


Packages in the truck reportedly began falling out all over the road.



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Re: If UPS doesn't deliver your goods on time, maybe this is why

I saw the police chase on my FB page.



When the chase came to an end, the police opened fire.



I think that the UPS driver was being held hostage inside his own stolen truck during the chase, and was killed in the hail of bullets.



I saw during the chase that the back door of the UPS truck was wide open.


I'm going to guess that packages fell out along the way.



So, if packages arrive late, or not at all, or all beat up, that just might be the reason why.




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Re: If UPS doesn't deliver your goods on time, maybe this is why

I live close to this area. Innocent lives were lost. Packages will be replaced.The UPS driver and another innocent person died in tragedy that has brought grief to their families.

Also the police will have to answer to their mistakes in handling this situation. As a family with retired  police officers,they have stated the situation  was mishandled.

While I hold no sympathy for the robbers my prayers are with the families of the innocent and the family of the guilty.

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Re: If UPS doesn't deliver your goods on time, maybe this is why

After reading numerous news articles and seeing video of the chase/shootout, there's more to this event than the UPS truck being hijacked.


It started out as a jewelry store robbery, where an employee was shot in the head when a bullet ricocheted off of the floor, she is in stable condition.


After the robbers fled, they hijacked the UPS truck and driver, leading police on a 25 mile chase.


After getting caught by traffic at a red light, approximately 20 officers fired an estimated 200 bullets at the UPS truck, killing the robbers, the UPS driver and a bystander sitting in an idling car nearby.


It was the UPS driver's first day on the job, he had a 1 1/2 year old daughter.


I don't care about the packages, RIP to the innocent.




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Re: If UPS doesn't deliver your goods on time, maybe this is why

Just awful, from the video on tv,there was so much traffic on that road, so many people in their cars, i question the response from police.

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Re: If UPS doesn't deliver your goods on time, maybe this is why

The last thing I thought about was the packages, I don't think anyone gave a moment's thought to the packages.  My heart broke for the driver who was kidnapped and killed and for his family.  It's unbelievable.  

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Re: If UPS doesn't deliver your goods on time, maybe this is why

My point being, people love to complain here about how angry they are that their packages are late, or lost, or arrive looking like it was run over.



Maybe they next time they feel like doing that, they might want to stop and think that maybe their package was on that stolen UPS truck where an INNOCENT driver lost his life.


In other words, put things in to perspective.


Which is more important?


Your package arriving late, or was lost, or looks beat up, or the loss of life of an innocent man?



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Re: If UPS doesn't deliver your goods on time, maybe this is why

I do not see any connection among this incident, packages being late and people complaining about packages being late. 

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Re: If UPS doesn't deliver your goods on time, maybe this is why

@Sooner wrote:

I do not see any connection among this incident, packages being late and people complaining about packages being late. 





The connection is, there were packages on that UPS truck.


Odds are ****** good that those packages will arrive LATE.


The back doors of the UPS truck were WIDE open during the chase.


Some most likely fell out, with the packages being damaged.



So the next time that somebody wants to pitch a fit over their package being late, lost, or damaged, they just might want to stop and consider that their "precious" package just might have been on that stolen truck, and that's why it is late, lost or damaged.


And they would do well to remember that an innocent man lost his life, and that just maybe they can keep some perspective on what's REALLY important, the loss of life of an innocent man, and NOT the fact that their "precious" package is late, lost, or arrives damaged.



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Re: If UPS doesn't deliver your goods on time, maybe this is why

The police killed the hostage? Whoa. That city better get ready for suuuuuuuuuch a series of lawsuits.

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