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Re: 'I wish I'd never done it': Man who invented plastic Keurig coffee pods admits he regrets ever creating them - because t

I've moved on to cold brew coffee. No pods, no filters and a smooth, lower acid, delicious coffee. We still use the recyclable pods in the Keurig if the next cold brew batch is in process.

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Re: 'I wish I'd never done it': Man who invented plastic Keurig coffee pods admits he regrets ever creating them - because t

I like a very strong cuppa joe in the morning and therefore use an ancient Farberware percolator.

It makes by far the best coffee (in terms of what I like). Next best for me is that French contraption (press?) where you push down a coil and it rises. For a while I used one advertised as unbreakable by TravelSmith--I used it for travel but broke it at home while washing it.

I also used to enjoy coffee made in Chemex carafes, but I kept breaking them. They are still available. So far, I haven't been able to break my percolator, another reason I regard it fondly.

Two of my brothers have the Keurigs and I just don't get the appeal. A minute, true, and you have your bevvie; but it only takes 4 minutes in my electric Farberware pot.

PS: I forgot to address the original post. Making a product people use daily that is not recyclable is really regrettable, although I gather that now one can buy a permanent cup and just fill it daily. I think he is right to regret the swelling landfills, and plastic never deteriorates. The ancient cultures left priceless pottery chards; we will leave mountains of plastic.

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Re: 'I wish I'd never done it': Man who invented plastic Keurig coffee pods admits he regrets ever creating them - because t

I don't use these products, so I know little to nothing about them. But I AM surprised that they aren't recyclable or biodegradable. Wow, when WILL people ever learn?

I don't have any hostility toward this man because I have no idea if he's just bitter or has enlightened himself and now feels badly for inventing something that turned out to be a bad idea. Everything isn't always about money for everybody. Smiley Happy

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Re: 'I wish I'd never done it': Man who invented plastic Keurig coffee pods admits he regrets ever creating them - because t

We sometimes use fresh ground beans for the Keurig but what a mess! Those grounds tend to fly hither and thither when scooping from the grinder container into the My K-Cup holders.

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Re: 'I wish I'd never done it': Man who invented plastic Keurig coffee pods admits he regrets ever creating them - because t

On 3/4/2015 Lotus~ said:

I won't use them for that reason. I try to do my part.

Why can't they sell the flavored coffee in little bags or something to transfer to the ""refill pods""?

They do! Go to Amazon and type in flavored ground coffee.

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Re: 'I wish I'd never done it': Man who invented plastic Keurig coffee pods admits he regrets ever creating them - because t

I've never used those. I've always just made a pot of Folgers coffee.

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Re: 'I wish I'd never done it': Man who invented plastic Keurig coffee pods admits he regrets ever creating them - because t

I was never interested to own a Keurig, my 12 yr. Mr.Coffee, is still going strong.
Posts: 26
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: 'I wish I'd never done it': Man who invented plastic Keurig coffee pods admits he regrets ever creating them - because t

Maybe there is a + side. 1-People who use the my k-cup. 2-People who buy recyclable pods. and 3-People who brew at home instead of stopping for coffee on the road. They use reusable containers and don't have cups from drive thrus to toss out.

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Re: 'I wish I'd never done it': Man who invented plastic Keurig coffee pods admits he regrets ever creating them - because t

Kcups make me waste less too.

Water, coffee. I make what I drink.

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Re: 'I wish I'd never done it': Man who invented plastic Keurig coffee pods admits he regrets ever creating them - because t

60 BILLLION K-cups in our landfills and counting.

Again, 60 BILLION.

You don't have to brew a ton of coffee - you can simply brew enough for 1 or 2 cups - ours does.

Foolish point that Keurig saves anything. In fact, since they won't be 100% recycled until 2020, we still have another 5 years to go with consume and toss mentality.
