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Re: I will NEVER cease to be shocked and amazed.....

@biancardi wrote:

no, the majority of Americans are not conservative.  They are moderates.


Where is this talking point coming from?  This is the 2nd time I've seen that "statement".



Because that's what the studies say time after time.  MOST people have said that they lean toward some degree of conservatism the same way the vast majority say they believe in a higher power.  Now how far toward the middle or the right is for them to determine.  I was just reading about a p##n star who was always a believer, but he wasn't putting his faith into his daily life.  He's done a 180 and is ashamed and saddened that he ever took that first step into the industry.  

Read it! New England Journal of Medicine—May 21, 2020
Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era

“We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.
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Re: I will NEVER cease to be shocked and amazed.....

@blahblahvampemerblah wrote:

@biancardi wrote:

no, the majority of Americans are not conservative.  They are moderates.


Where is this talking point coming from?  This is the 2nd time I've seen that "statement".



Because that's what the studies say time after time.  MOST people have said that they lean toward some degree of conservatism the same way the vast majority say they believe in a higher power.  Now how far toward the middle or the right is for them to determine.  I was just reading about a p##n star who was always a believer, but he wasn't putting his faith into his daily life.  He's done a 180 and is ashamed and saddened that he ever took that first step into the industry.  

Where ever you get your stats and stories...they're highly flawed and incorrect. 

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Re: I will NEVER cease to be shocked and amazed.....

@Abrowneyegirl wrote:

So, I run into a woman I used to work with and I chatted with her and her husband and they are telling we their tale of woe.

The are busy because their son is in prison and they need to make sure he does not receive early parole.  Why?  Not for the publics concern or welfare but over Healthcare.


After he was incarcerated about 6 months it was found he has cancer.  The tax payers immediately started paying for his treatment at a top cancer center about 2 hours aways from here.  (I do not know why, we have many hospitals and cancer centers within 30 mins of the prison.)

6 weeks into the treatment they were told approp.  $475,000.00 dollars has already been spent if you combine

-Cancer treatment, meds

-Tests and scans


-overnight hospitalization

-staff expenses- 2 guards must stay with him 24 hours while he is off the prison property.


He has many more weeks of treatment expected and they can not afford to pay for his medical costs or take the time to transport to and from the cancer center so they really need him to stay in prison until he is healthy!!??!!!!!


Since it was not a serious crime his sentence was less than 24 months so they are worried about parole and how that could effect his free (100% tax-payer) funded treatment.


I was NOT sympathetic.   I could scream!

You and all those people who agreed with you should be ashamed of yourselves. Suffering is suffering no matter who you are or what your situation. This is another reason we need socialized health system.

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Re: I will NEVER cease to be shocked and amazed.....

If he is that sick I don't know why he needs two armed guards and why he has to go to a special place for treatment.  I totally understand why the OP is upset.  She does not wish anything bad on this man and his family but they should have to pay for the treatment or go to a place where treatment is free like we would all have to do.  All of us on the outside who have not committed a crime would have to do what our funds or insurance would allow.  I cannot imagine why they would not parole him if he is that sick and did not commit a violent crime.

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Re: I will NEVER cease to be shocked and amazed.....

@biancardi wrote:

this is why health care is a RIGHT not a benefit.


too many people jealous about what others get or what they don't get or have.  This isn't about material things, but someone's life.


It isn't about jealously. It is about that word you capitalized.




What is right, just, fair, or humane, about someone (as described by the OP as in and out of jail throughout his life, creating a drain on society's resources) getting the best medical treatment this country has to offer (stated that he is in a high end facility), when others who have contributed more, followed the laws and rules, and stayed out of trouble are getting lesser care, or no care?


There is a tier of health care in this country. It is not all equal. The more prestigious and better facilities cost more, and give better outcomes from better procedures, and doctors. Many people who work hard, and struggle to pay some kind of insurance premium can't access those facilities because their insurance won't cover it (or enough of it). They have to settle for care in facilities that aren't as good (Think our veterans and the mess that is the VA hospital system).


Everyone in this country doesn't deserve the best of everything. People deserve what they earn. Certain things, I see people on these boards demand that everyone should have, in my opinion need to be earned. Respect, is earned. Good jobs with higher pay and benefits are earned from hard work.


Any society that allows it's majority to not contribute, but only take from the system, to the point where those doing the providing get less than those doing the taking, will implode on itself. 


This isn't a case of a fellow human being who was born or became disabled or aged, or incapable of contributing and providing for himself and others. He has made (according to OP), a string of missteps, poor decisions, and choices to be criminal. He has chosen to be a drain on society, not an asset. There is nothing at all wrong, whether it be health care, or food, or education, etc. to say to this person, and others like him, "We have a moral obligation to not abuse and neglect you, but you haven't earned the best this nation has to offer. Until you change and contribute, you will get the basics, not the best."

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Re: I will NEVER cease to be shocked and amazed.....

@ZoetheCat wrote:

@biancardi wrote:

this is why health care is a RIGHT not a benefit.


too many people jealous about what others get or what they don't get or have.  This isn't about material things, but someone's life.


Absolutely 100% agree with this.  I know so many people who, like my husband and I, have been pretty darn fortunate in life.  And yet, a lot of them seem to feel like they've been victimized, like they are not getting something that someone else is.  I'm thankful every day to have what I have.  I can't imagine being in the awful position of having to hope to stay in prison to get health care.  Everyone likes to think that a crisis of this type would never happen to them or someone they care about .... until it does.  As the saying goes, everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, so be kind, always.  I don't always succeed, but I try to live by this motto.

Being kind is one thing. No one here has actually stated he should be denied adequate health care. The problem many have is that, after a lifetime of being a drain on society, he is getting better treatment than those who have served this society, not drained it.

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Re: I will NEVER cease to be shocked and amazed.....

@baker wrote:

@Abrowneyegirl wrote:

So, I run into a woman I used to work with and I chatted with her and her husband and they are telling we their tale of woe.

The are busy because their son is in prison and they need to make sure he does not receive early parole.  Why?  Not for the publics concern or welfare but over Healthcare.


After he was incarcerated about 6 months it was found he has cancer.  The tax payers immediately started paying for his treatment at a top cancer center about 2 hours aways from here.  (I do not know why, we have many hospitals and cancer centers within 30 mins of the prison.)

6 weeks into the treatment they were told approp.  $475,000.00 dollars has already been spent if you combine

-Cancer treatment, meds

-Tests and scans


-overnight hospitalization

-staff expenses- 2 guards must stay with him 24 hours while he is off the prison property.


He has many more weeks of treatment expected and they can not afford to pay for his medical costs or take the time to transport to and from the cancer center so they really need him to stay in prison until he is healthy!!??!!!!!


Since it was not a serious crime his sentence was less than 24 months so they are worried about parole and how that could effect his free (100% tax-payer) funded treatment.


I was NOT sympathetic.   I could scream!

You and all those people who agreed with you should be ashamed of yourselves. Suffering is suffering no matter who you are or what your situation. This is another reason we need socialized health system.

Oh, so this advocates a health system that will give him the same Cr@ ppy care our vets get. Well, that might work.

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Re: I will NEVER cease to be shocked and amazed.....

Hmmmmm.  Just reading the story I thought, maybe the guy knew he had cancer, didn't have the funds and committed a crime to get the taxpayers to foot the bill.  Folks do things like that.

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Re: I will NEVER cease to be shocked and amazed.....

@Mominohio wrote:

@ZoetheCat wrote:

@biancardi wrote:

this is why health care is a RIGHT not a benefit.


too many people jealous about what others get or what they don't get or have.  This isn't about material things, but someone's life.


Absolutely 100% agree with this.  I know so many people who, like my husband and I, have been pretty darn fortunate in life.  And yet, a lot of them seem to feel like they've been victimized, like they are not getting something that someone else is.  I'm thankful every day to have what I have.  I can't imagine being in the awful position of having to hope to stay in prison to get health care.  Everyone likes to think that a crisis of this type would never happen to them or someone they care about .... until it does.  As the saying goes, everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, so be kind, always.  I don't always succeed, but I try to live by this motto.

Being kind is one thing. No one here has actually stated he should be denied adequate health care. The problem many have is that, after a lifetime of being a drain on society, he is getting better treatment than those who have served this society, not drained it.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.  I could certainly understand the resentment if this man was being handed a monetary windfall at the taxpayer's expense.  But that is not the case here.  So many posters (not saying you specifically) seem to be actually jealous of this man's cancer treatment.  Sorry, but I hope my heart is never so dark that I begrudge someone life saving treatment, no matter the circumstances.

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Re: I will NEVER cease to be shocked and amazed.....

In Italy where I was born and raised we have people coming from other countries getting excellent free healthcare.That really bothers me.