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I’m receiving texts from family in Louisiana

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I’m receiving texts from family in Louisiana. Power is out, but our cousin is still able to text. This happened here in the Miami area once. For four days after a storm, we were without power, but could send texts and use home phones, but then, these options went down. I can't remember why. I do think that the phone use thing might have been after a different storm. Our cousin says that all roads are impassable. She was texting on a cell phone. We didn't have time to ask anymore questions. 

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Re: I’m receiving texts from family in Louisiana

So sad for those in the affected areas.  I just hope & pray things clear up quickly.

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Re: I’m receiving texts from family in Louisiana

Saw on one news site that power will most likely be out until Thursday.

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Re: I’m receiving texts from family in Louisiana

@debfau @That's an awfully optimistic estimate from the power company. 

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Re: I’m receiving texts from family in Louisiana

@Mindy D wrote:

@debfau @That's an awfully optimistic estimate from the power company. 

That might be for the ones whose power poles are still standing (or if powerlines are underground) and they just need to flip the switch, not the ones where they actually have to go out and replace things.

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Re: I’m receiving texts from family in Louisiana

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@haddon9 @This storm came ashore as a Cat 4, with wind speed only 1 mph short of a Cat 5. In fact, under the previous scale used to rate the categories, Ida would have been a Cat 5. I don't think this will be a short aftermath. Moreover, days after Katrina, water flooded the entire basin. This could happen again. We will have to wait and see. All roads are impassable, so right now crews are working on clearing roadways to allow for rescue crews and uktility companies to get through. 

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Re: I’m receiving texts from family in Louisiana

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I can't even begin to imagine the devastation in person, as it is difficult enough seeing it on the News...Last night, they were talking to a Shrimp Fisherman who was planning on "riding it out" on his boat with his wife as he felt more safer there than being on land...I sure hope that they made it through the Hurricane okay.


My heart goes out to everyone!

~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Re: I’m receiving texts from family in Louisiana

@debfau @We have underground power lines and have had to wait for many weeks to get power restored. 🌴🙏

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Re: I’m receiving texts from family in Louisiana

I heard this morning if you have at&t, not any service ,but a few others you can have limited service.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: I’m receiving texts from family in Louisiana

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@MyShadowLove @I can imagine it because I've been through it many times. I remember visiting the former headquarters of the National Hurricane Center, in Miami. It was in a tall building. The Hurricane Center's building had lost their roof and their anemometers. It took a few years for them to determine accurate wind speeds for the storm. This was about a year or two after Andrew. They have since moved to their own protected, fortified building. My trip was most interesting. I met two of the hurricane flight crew members as well as the head of the Center, Max Mayfield. I also got to see how they were set up for broadcast interviews. 1/3 of Miami Dade County residents lost their homes during Andrew. This was a DRY storm. It was tight, compact, with the wind field not spread out, so the intensity surrounded the eye wall and amplified the energy there. Power was out in South Miami for many for six months. Houses were missing and addresses could not be identified. There was no mail delivery down there. Fortunately, my home was north of there. My drive eastward, to rescue my parents after the storm was a nightmare. All roads were covered with downed giant trees. I actually had to drive up into people's yards and around some trees.  My mother was a bedridden, paralyzed stroke victim that need to eat blenderized foods due to swallowing problems from the stroke. I needed to get my parents to my house, because my power, only on my street and line of homes, and no other streets near me, was on. Fortunately, the Publix right next to the entry to my development had power back on by the following day.  I had to 'bribe' a non emergency ambulance company to go out and get my mom. She could not sit up and required stretcher service. Luckily, the company convinced a couple of the workers to help us out. This company had driven for us many times before this. Since that time, and years before, I have been through countless storms.