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@LilacTree wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

I have a solution!

One. Word.




You can talk about anything with everybody over there...with little scrutiny.  

Thanks Sidsmom.  I will give it a try!! 

Yes, thanks for this info.  Been looking for someplace to have interesting discussions.

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Because a bunch of waaa waaa babies complained.... Although they could have just monitored for that string of expletives!

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Posts: 383
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Re: I'm losing interest

[ Edited ]

I agree with all of you. And dare complain about something or some smart alec will come along and tell you if you don't like it go post somwhere else! 

Totally uncalled for! GRRRR .... And yes,  I will yell if I want to!!!

Still Tabbycat ~~ Less is More ~~
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Re: I'm losing interest

[ Edited ]

@ChancesMom wrote:

I agree - I use to like the discussions even if I did not agree with the poster. This new forum is too restricted. I have a feeling it will hurt Q's sales. I don't check into the forums anywhere near as much as I use to-therefore, I don't see as many posts about products.




I T A.......I rarely post anymore and I definitely don't peruse the site like I used to.   I have saved a lot of money.


I really don't understand why posters report other posters.  I believe in letting the offense sit there so everyone can see which posters are really the problem.


This place has become a snooze fest.


If we can't discuss current events that affect all of us what is left?


Oh right...."What color is your car?"......."Did you plant a garden this year?"........"Are you watching The Bachelor?" get my drift.

"People with closed hearts will always feel as though they are at war with the world." ~My friend Nancy
Posts: 62
Registered: ‎03-25-2010

I am in whole hearted agreement with the sentiments expressed here...for a long time  QVC's community boards were lively some what controversal  full of opinions good, negative, and indifferent...but always product informative, and an exchange of all types of that is all gone away....the boards are "dumb-downed"  whitewshed, and have largely lost value........what a shame... before ou had the option not to read  anything you felt went agaisnt you  we no longer have the option 

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I think what is being lost here is..........The Q finally has the board THEY WANTED, and for a great many of you, what you told the Q you wanted.........IF you look at what is not allowed, it's exactly what you all used to complain about..........didn't like a topic that was posted, you reported it..........didn't like a reply that was posted, you yelled for sticter moderation....and hit the report button till your thumb was blue.........well congrats you got what you wanted.

it's their house, their rules, as guest in that house you can go along or find another party house.............just remember, a great number of those "party houses" are the ones some of you constantly complained topics, little to no moderation.........the stuff you complained about all got the lawn you enjoy the dandelions........................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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@sidsmom wrote:

I have a solution!

One. Word.




You can talk about anything with everybody over there...with little scrutiny.  


How does one get there?  I can take "little" scrutiny .... but not too much.


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I hear you and am feeling much the same way.  I found the DY one when it first came out but have not been able to locate it again.  I will go take a look at REDDIT.

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It didn't occur to anyone that the reason it was changed because like Grade schoolers, not many would or could have a civil discussion without the same old Hatfield and McCoy vendettas breaking nauseum.


You reap what you sow. SMH



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Posts: 5,258
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I very much agree.  In my world, this state of affairs is called "milk toast," which has a very negative connotation.