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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

@goldensrbest wrote:

The holidays are very difficult, i so miss my son,husband,and all the others,i dread them, things are so very different, but i manage to get through them, today is my 64th birthday,  so onward i go!!

Happy, happy birthday @goldensrbest . . . please enjoy your day as that is what so many of us wish for you! . . . Smiley Happy

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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

I keep Christmas simmple, it's what you make of it. I enjoyed Christmas a lot this year because my grandkids are old enough to get excited about it. I keep my family tradition of keeping the tree and decorations up until January 3rd...




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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

@Sooner wrote:

@brii wrote:

I don't dread Christmas, so I don't feel a relief when it's over.


I'm so grateful for what we have and who we have left to spend it with.  I can't live in the past.  I'm making memories for my children.



The wonderful memories you have were made by joyful people who most likely had lost their loved ones from childhood, but carried on with life and were joyful with you when you were a child.  Now it's your turn.  Isn't that the way it works?  


You are a smart cookie and I'm sure your children were delighted!

That's a wonderful attitude if you have children or other family with whom to make new memories.  For those of us who cannot be with any family, our memories of happy Christmases past can get us through.

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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

Today is our family Christmas gathering and I can't wait to be with my kids, grands and greats.  


Many years ago my Dad passed on Christmas eve, my brother on the 15th and my daugher-in-law on the 9th so getting into the spirit each year is not easy.  The saving grace are those precious great-grands who make the holiday fun and the one great had her birthday on the 23rd.  


Now that I'm old I look back and think how silly it was to stress over cooking and gifts etc.  Somewhere it clicks that you don't have to wear yourself out with decorating, cooking or gift giving.  What our family remembers are the laughs we have which make good stories to tell later.  

Like I said it's hard getting into the spirt of the season but after I do it's hard to let it go.  










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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

@Another new name Sue wrote:

Halloween is fun.  Thanksgiving is fun.  Christmas is just too much of everything.  I feel embarrassed to be so "Scroogy." 

I love Halloween -- my birthday!


But, I'm right there with the rest of you regarding Christmas.


I am so relieved it is all OVER and I might even try to get my tree down today.


Too much of everything is a good way to describe it. 


Really, does that make us Scroogy? 



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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

@goldensrbest wrote:

The holidays are very difficult, i so miss my son,husband,and all the others,i dread them, things are so very different, but i manage to get through them, today is my 64th birthday,  so onward i go!!

Happy Birthday!


I am sorry about your losses,it does make holidays difficult

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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

I have a love-hate relationship with Christmas. 

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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

I love the time between Thanksgiving and New Years.  For us Christmas is not just one day, rather a season.  Yes, it's a lot of work, but in my case always appreciated by family and friends.  I have many loved ones I miss terribly but I choose to remember the happy times. I will admit I've shed more than a few tears but I've also laughed a great deal.


I am sorry to read so many do not share my love and enthusiasm for the holidays.  I can honestly say I've never known anyone in RL who has taken down the tree and put all decorations away before New Years.  Every now and then I've seen a tree on the curb a few days after Christmas.  It has always made me sad.

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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

@wilma wrote:

I think part of the reason why we sometimes feel this way is that everyone expects so much at Christmas.  There is a lot more to do than at any other holiday.  Between cleaning, cooking, and decorating it can take weeks and days to prepare.


I hosted Christmas dinner yesterday, and everything went fine, but hosting such a big event with lots of people is stressful for me. I have not been feeling well, so that didn't help.  DH was great cleaning the house from top to bottom.  To make things easier we did not put up a tree. I had a wreath on the door, my stained glass nativity out, candles in the windows, Christmas centerpieces on the tables, and some lit garland on the banister.  It still looked and felt like Christmas.


I love the days right after Christmas when I can sit down, relax, and enjoy the season in peace and quiet. I will not take my decorations down until New Year's weekend.

So do I.  I admit to being a creaure of routine, and prefer the non-holiday times of the year.

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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

I think that it's normal to miss those friends and family members who are no longer with us. I know that I most certainly do, and I think about them most especially at the holidays. It's a very, very, bittersweet time of the year for me.


I still love the holiday season though, because there are still people here that I love and care about, and there are still fun things that I like to do that make the holidays worthwhile to me.


So, times are different now like they are for so many of us. I still hold memories of friends and family members most precious that are no longer here, and just pull those memories out when I want to think of them. Heart