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Last night, I saw my dearly-departed mother in a dream.  We were at a gathering and spotted each other across the room.  She was in the company of people I did not recognize.  We said that we were glad to see each other.  I asked her if she felt safe and happy, and she responded that she did.  She appeared to be very happy in her surroundings and with the people she was with.


I consider this dream her gift to me and I will treasure it always.  It makes me smile inside and out.


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Re: I'm Choosing Happiness

[ Edited ]

What a beautiful dream. I wish you and your family a happy holiday season.

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@deepwaterdotter  I believe heaven sent your mother who is now an Angel and surrounded by other Angels that you did not recognize to wish you a Merry Christmas and to let you know she is happy and at peace now in heaven as well as checking on you.  Merry Christmas 🎄 

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It made me smile inside and out too.


Have a wonderful Holiday!

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The best Christmas gift you could ever ask for!  Wow, I would love to have a dream about my mother.  I had one about my brother shortly after he died but so far, not mom.  

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What a wonderful gift from your mother!  I too have received these heartwarming gifts from my departed loved ones for many years; they strengthen my faith and give me peace.  

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@deepwaterdotter I really so very please for you in having your experinece.  

I am believing my late husband comes to visit me also.  

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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@deepwaterdotter That's a beautiful dream. I wish my Mom would visit me in a dream, it's been six years and she never has. 


Christmas was her favorite holiday, I just always feel sad every Christmas now without her. 



"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
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@deepwaterdotter What a lovely dream!

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What a beautiful dream...

Happy Holidays from Marcie