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Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes

@Goodie2shoes wrote:


I do some of the same things. I don't wash down my groceries but have wiped down my credit card. I also let most mail sit a day before opening and use disposable gloves to pump gas too. I chuckle sometimes but I'd rather be safe than sorry. 


I take care of my elderly dad and I would be devastated if I gave covid to him. 


I don't live in fear. I live by science.

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Posts: 6,173
Registered: ‎06-19-2010

Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes

[ Edited ]

Wow, I've never done any of the things you do. I wash my hands and use sanitizer that's it. I've had both shots too and even before I got my shots I went out all the time. Stores, inside restaurants, hairdresser, dentist, zoo, gym, movie theaters you name it. I don't have the time nor the patience to do all that stuff. I pretty much have the same routine as before Covid. I go out when and where I want, do what I want. I wear one and only one mask, never gloves and I'm certainly not changing my clothes because I went somewhere.

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Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes

[ Edited ]

    Like others have stated only you know what makes you feel comfortable.  Both my husband and I have been in the middle of this.  He is in covid positive buildings daily (part of his job is leading teams of specialized cleaning crews).  He's a High Security Area Manager for a large cleaning company and he has not stopped since this started.  I don't do anything special.  I don't spray anything, I use the carts, go to multiple stores, I use my mask where I have to and sanitize my hands after that's it.   i wash his clothes with mine.  No special detergent, since from the very beginning they said "soap and water" kills the virus.  I don't think we are helping our immune systems by overusing so much disenfectant but that's me.   We are 60, have a few too many pounds around our waists but no other underlying conditions.  I have not stopped seeing my grandchildren and have no problem going places.

     For those that have medical issues or fall into the highest risk group (65 and older) do what you feel makes you comfortable but understand that not everyone is at high a risk as you might be.  If they don't feel as afraid as you don't assume "they haven't lost someone they loved."   They might have but again they might not have issues that cause them to worry.   If they have been fine through this, then let them continue their lives I am certain they know all about "precautions" and risks by now.  

    Millions have had this and survived-more than we will EVER know about.   They have never tracked "survivors" and a LOT of people that got it stayed home and got better and there was no need for the hospitial.   There are many more people getting vaccinated daily.  Throughout this there have not been anyone dying in the streets, or falling flat on their faces at work.   It never happened.  Yes people died.  But even in the beginning when it was supposedly running rampant through the popluation without precautions that never happened.  We all understand this has been hard on those that lost loved ones but always remember not everyone has the same fear level or risk.  And that is fine.  And trying to force your beliefs and fear on someone else is wrong.  If they have been fine through this then they are fine to continue living their lives.  Millions may not have suffered the loss of a loved one but they lost their jobs, their savings, their homes and are suffering in many ways you will not know about.  

     A LOT of people have worked through this.  Out in the midde of this, seeing thousands of people in a week with no problems.   I have been the healthiest I have ever been in this past year.  I have no idea why.   I took no real precautions.  I touched stuff, went places, saw people, I breathed the air, but that was all MY CHOICE.  Do what makes you feel comfortable but always remember no one is the same.  They do not have to feel the same as you.  If they have been fine through this then let them be.  I have touched a thousand carts since this started with no issues.  I'm good.  I am in NO way recommending you do it.  Just don't lecture me.  I will continue living my life as I have.  We all die at some point.  God has my ticket and knows when it will be.  I'm good letting him make the decision since nothing I do is going to change that no matter what I think will "save" me.  

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Posts: 8,085
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes

@Goodie2shoes ... you have to do whatever makes you feel comfortable.   That being said, however,  I do think you are overdoing it a bit.  

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,170
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes

You must have a lot of patience to go through all that every day.  If it makes you feel better, then I guess it's worthwhile. I never went that far, but then I wouldn't have the patience for it. 

"The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog."

Mark Twain
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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes



I think you are wearing yourself out but you Gotta do what you Gotta do, and I completely understand.


I do some of what you do, not all. I used to wipe down groceries but not anymore. I avoid handling the grocery bags anymore than necessary, and I sanitize after putting the bags away. I hang my mask in the sun after I've been out.  Sometimes I double mask.  When packages come I let them sit overnight. I sanitize my hands after opening the mail or let it sit overnight.  We had to have workers come for a plumbing problem, so I santtized every place they would've touched. It's all stressful. 

Pre-pandemic, we used to laugh at people who wore masks, thought it was silly. No more. 

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Posts: 2,950
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes

@Goodie2shoes wrote:

This covid mess has me so paranoid !  I don't know if anyone else is this bad but admit it, this virus makes some of us  do weird stuff just to stay safe. So here's my story. I live in an apartment building, only go out into the hallway with my mask on and gloves to check my mailbox, then I disinfect my keys when I come back in (the mailbox has a key to get in) I then disinfect my door handles and lock. I don't open my mail immediately, I let it sit until the next day but I wipe the envelopes with a disinfectant wipe. Any boxes that I recieve  in the mail or from UPS are sprayed with disinfectant and left overnight before I open them. I wash everything I order before I try it on, wipe down all groceries with a disinfectant wipe before putting them away. If my door is opened I spray the room with Lysol  immediately when I close it. I don't even carry a purse anymore, I just take my credit card and drivers license in a sandwich bag and wipe them down with a disinfectant wipe after I use them. I have had both vaccines , last shot 1 week ago this Wednesday. Maybe I will be able to relax a little better but will still wear my mask, wash my hands etc.  Anyone else ready to admit they are over the top and can laugh about it ? We need a little humor Woman LOL

My step Mom is just as you are so you are not alone.  You just hang in there and try to find distractions.  We are all doing our best during a tough time. 

I found Lysol at the Costco recently and I think it was like finding a diamond!!!  First time having it in a year.  

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Posts: 9,305
Registered: ‎06-08-2016

Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes

Do what makes you comfortable.


Except for a mask, I've lived the current guidelines for most of my life.    If anything good comes out of this, it's that we've cleaned up our environment.    Counters & tables in public are actually cleaned now, instead of wiped down with a dirty rag.


Even back when I was in my 20s, if I went out with a few friends and we had to stand in a line, I would always ask a friend to stand behind me because I didn't want a stranger there in my space.


Maybe it's because I was raised in a city.   So many people, so many germs.



Honored Contributor
Posts: 9,305
Registered: ‎06-08-2016

Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes

I love this post

Well said

Continued good health


@eadu4 wrote:

    Like others have stated only you know what makes you feel comfortable.  Both my husband and I have been in the middle of this.  He is in covid positive buildings daily (part of his job is leading teams of specialized cleaning crews).  He's a High Security Area Manager for a large cleaning company and he has not stopped since this started.  I don't do anything special.  I don't spray anything, I use the carts, go to multiple stores, I use my mask where I have to and sanitize my hands after that's it.   i wash his clothes with mine.  No special detergent, since from the very beginning they said "soap and water" kills the virus.  I don't think we are helping our immune systems by overusing so much disenfectant but that's me.   We are 60, have a few too many pounds around our waists but no other underlying conditions.  I have not stopped seeing my grandchildren and have no problem going places.

     For those that have medical issues or fall into the highest risk group (65 and older) do what you feel makes you comfortable but understand that not everyone is at high a risk as you might be.  If they don't feel as afraid as you don't assume "they haven't lost someone they loved."   They might have but again they might not have issues that cause them to worry.   If they have been fine through this, then let them continue their lives I am certain they know all about "precautions" and risks by now.  

    Millions have had this and survived-more than we will EVER know about.   They have never tracked "survivors" and a LOT of people that got it stayed home and got better and there was no need for the hospitial.   There are many more people getting vaccinated daily.  Throughout this there have not been anyone dying in the streets, or falling flat on their faces at work.   It never happened.  Yes people died.  But even in the beginning when it was supposedly running rampant through the popluation without precautions that never happened.  We all understand this has been hard on those that lost loved ones but always remember not everyone has the same fear level or risk.  And that is fine.  And trying to force your beliefs and fear on someone else is wrong.  If they have been fine through this then they are fine to continue living their lives.  Millions may not have suffered the loss of a loved one but they lost their jobs, their savings, their homes and are suffering in many ways you will not know about.  

     A LOT of people have worked through this.  Out in the midde of this, seeing thousands of people in a week with no problems.   I have been the healthiest I have ever been in this past year.  I have no idea why.   I took no real precautions.  I touched stuff, went places, saw people, I breathed the air, but that was all MY CHOICE.  Do what makes you feel comfortable but always remember no one is the same.  They do not have to feel the same as you.  If they have been fine through this then let them be.  I have touched a thousand carts since this started with no issues.  I'm good.  I am in NO way recommending you do it.  Just don't lecture me.  I will continue living my life as I have.  We all die at some point.  God has my ticket and knows when it will be.  I'm good letting him make the decision since nothing I do is going to change that no matter what I think will "save" me.  


Posts: 56
Registered: ‎08-09-2010

Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes

WOW, no I wear a mask if I must, have gotten much better at washing my hands as soon as I get home.  Maybe because my family has gone to work every day, all in different jobs, but all out in public I do not feel to do more.  Im 59  no plans to get vaccinated, not even sure I"ll mess with flu shots anymore, lost all respect for CDC.  However if all this makes you feel comfortable I have no issue with it.  Do agree we need to laugh more!  Hope you continue to stay well!