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Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes



If this way of living makes you feel safe then do what's best for you🙂



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Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes

@Goodie2shoes ...I doubt if I can add anything else here except to say, "Please be careful, be safe, but relax and cut back on some of the things you are doing.  Perhaps it is a bit of overkiell but you are wearing yourself out and leaving no room for fun."

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Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes

@Goodie2shoes wrote:

This covid mess has me so paranoid !  I don't know if anyone else is this bad but admit it, this virus makes some of us  do weird stuff just to stay safe. So here's my story. I live in an apartment building, only go out into the hallway with my mask on and gloves to check my mailbox, then I disinfect my keys when I come back in (the mailbox has a key to get in) I then disinfect my door handles and lock. I don't open my mail immediately, I let it sit until the next day but I wipe the envelopes with a disinfectant wipe. Any boxes that I recieve  in the mail or from UPS are sprayed with disinfectant and left overnight before I open them. I wash everything I order before I try it on, wipe down all groceries with a disinfectant wipe before putting them away. If my door is opened I spray the room with Lysol  immediately when I close it. I don't even carry a purse anymore, I just take my credit card and drivers license in a sandwich bag and wipe them down with a disinfectant wipe after I use them. I have had both vaccines , last shot 1 week ago this Wednesday. Maybe I will be able to relax a little better but will still wear my mask, wash my hands etc.  Anyone else ready to admit they are over the top and can laugh about it ? We need a little humor Woman LOL


@Goodie2shoes, I think it is great that you can laugh at it and would say you have a very healthy attitude.  You are not harming anyone or anything by doing what you do, so no problem.


I don't wipe down things anymore but I do routinely wear a mask and really lay low with mainly going to the grocery store or medical appointments.  When the transmission rate started to skyrocket in my area I started wearing a double mask.  Heck, I was doing that before anyone else started talking about it.  It just made sense to me to do since I didn't have access to N95s and didn't reallly want to wear one of them even if I had one.  


I think it will take many a while to reprogram when the time comes.  We have not eaten out in a year and surprisingly I have not missed it one single bit.  We do order carry out or do curbside pickup and that has worked just fine.  DH even said the other night he didn't know if he would ever want to go to a place that didn't take reservations where you had to wait packed into the place waiting for a table ever again.  I had to laugh because he didn't like that before the pandemic.  





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Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes

@Goodie2shoes -- I'm chuckling along with you.  You need to do what makes you comfortable.  I used to follow all the 'rules' you do last spring-summer 2020.  I gradually loosened up in the fall.   I'm probably more obsessive than most, but I was driving myself a little crazy with all the rules I made for myself.  I was exhausted from all of it.   


Lucky for all of us, there are now vaccines.  Over time the virus will not be the danger it once was.  We'll all be able to relax.

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Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes

[ Edited ]

I am like you lol! I keep any package deliverys in the spare room for a few days. If I do open right away I will wipe it all down first with lysol wipe.


Then I wipe off what is in the delivery.


When I get back from any place that I go into, when I get out of the car I spray the air in the car and all surfaces with a spray bottle of alcohol. Plus disinfect the door handles etc.


At home I wipe all the groceries down and some that I wont use for a while will go into the spare room for a few days or a week.


In the store I wipe the cart handles and many times they are out of wipes so I take some with me.


I wipe my shoe bottoms off and spray my clothes with the spray bottle of alcohol.


It is exhausting LOL.



OH i too put my list, credit cards, cash in a ziploc bag when going to a store.


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Re: I have to laugh at myself sometimes

Sounds like overkill to me but it's totally understandable.  It's better to be overly cautious than not cautious enough.