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Re: I have a wild fun crazy idea. (smile)

The scarves are around 78 inches long so they will tie pretty around the tree.  


Such fun to Hug every tree in the park while I dress them all up during the night.  


Each tree will feel my good vibrations of love and sweetness for each and every tree.  They will grow stronger and feel happiness within while they wear their nice scarf for the night.   


I know that park will feel wonderful all dressed up.

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Re: I have a wild fun crazy idea. (smile)

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Re: I have a wild fun crazy idea. (smile)

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Re: I have a wild fun crazy idea. (smile)

@IamMrsG wrote:

What do you smoke?


This is one small step above TPing the neighborhood.  Have you given thought to the person who will have to clean up behind you?



I don't smoke.


I know each and every nice pretty scarf will be gifted.


Later when I go on my normal walk in the park I will see how many scarfs were gifted, and how many are left.   It will be much fun for everyone walking in the park.  And the trees will love all that is going on with them as the star of the day wearing a nice scarf.

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Re: I have a wild fun crazy idea. (smile)

@VCamp2748 wrote:

Now I have a tune playing in my head that won't stop.  Anybody remember Twilight Zone?



Why do you have the need within yourself to make fun of something good?  


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Re: I have a wild fun crazy idea. (smile)

@missy1 wrote:

You might have the white van in front of the house.



I see you also have the need within yourself to make fun of something good.

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Re: I have a wild fun crazy idea. (smile)

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Re: I have a wild fun crazy idea. (smile)

Theyll pprobably track you down and charge you with littering.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: I have a wild fun crazy idea. (smile)

My sweet Husband will walk with me through the park which will be a slow romantic love walk.   The evening will be perfect weather during the evening.   We will both remember this event in our life.  


In marriage it is always best to keep new and different kinds of events where both will enjoy time together.    This will be a different and fun event in our life.   


Of course he will not gift the trees with a scarf but watch me while I enjoy doing something fun during the evening.  

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I have a wild fun crazy idea. (smile)

fi love the idea.A woman in Canada has a little stand that has a sign(take what you need..leave what you can)I love to leave my things there for others and they r usually gone fairly quickly.