Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,650
Registered: ‎04-20-2013

Re: I guess my age is showing

I have to respectfully disagree that people don't volunteer and help their communities. I worked in the corporate setting and we had so many opportunities to volunteer. When a new project opened, it filled up immediately and usually one or two days were added. They ranged from visiting senior centers, an active mentoring program, Ronald McDonald House, working in the hospital with children with cancer...the list went on. I think every college looks for community service on the applications and so did we as people entered the workforce. The millennials are very community oriented. And, in my own condo community, a large number of retired people work at local food banks and hospitals. A tremendous number of veterans organizations have originated to help our returning service people and they were started out of a need. I see local high school kids working at our no kill shelter. I see an increase in volunteerism and many are quite young.