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Re: I did not have the elephant.

My mother had a heart attack and did not have any pain at all. Only nausea, vomiting, extreme weakness and she was clammy. I called 911 right away  and the rescue people thought she was overheated from the sun until they did the EKG. Fortunately, they gave her the clot buster in the ER and she was OK, with minimal damage. This happened 15 years ago and she is 91 now.

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Re: I did not have the elephant.

Dr. OZ recommends that all woman carry a regular aspirin in their purse. I you have a sign of a heart attack, chew the aspirin so it will go straight into your bloodstream. 

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Re: I did not have the elephant.


and to everyone who has posted here: I am so glad to hear about the stories of those who caught their attacks in time.


My story: Out to lunch with school colleagues and my arm (left) kept hurting . Off to ER they whisked me. Not an attack, but just to be safe, heart workup scheduled. 

During workup, while lying on the examination table 

the cardiac doc asked me to turn to my right side.


It stopped hurting.

He diagnosed me with GERD -- all other tests were normal. 


This has has given me peace of mind for 15 years.


Friend at school ... very painful jaw ache... went to doctor and yes, she was having one.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: I did not have the elephant.

Thanks for sharing your story. I had no idea about the jaw pain. Glad you are alright. 

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Re: I did not have the elephant.

@qualitygal wrote:

You're right about the elephant on the chest. My husband didn't have that for his either. We realized that later. Thanks for the reminder though and we should refresh our memories as to what might be going on when you have a heart attack, or a stroke. An ounce of prevention, is worth a pound of cure!!


Your age? I think some people think they are too young to have this happen. I think it can happen at any time. If you don't mind. @newberry

I'm 66 almost 67

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Re: I did not have the elephant.

@SeaMaiden wrote:

I would have assumed that the jaw pain was my teeth as I have so many issues with I would have never gone to the doctor first.  

I already had the appointment for a regular monthly B12 shot. She did take the jaw pain very serious. My next stop at the dentist office took it serious as well. A full set of x-rays and teeth cleaning on that side before she checked the bite of the crown that had been put in several months before. 

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Re: I did not have the elephant.

@haddon9 wrote:

This is all very scary!  


I knew about the jaw pain but over the last few years when I did have severe jaw pain it really was a bad tooth infection.


However it seems that almost anything that may be off or a bit painful from your jaw, to your shoulder, back, stomach or down the arms can be a sign of an attack.  


Lately I've been having a few issues.  Just a few days ago I was having pain in my upper back and every time I took a deep breath it hurt.  It almost felt like I pulled a muscle but I hadn't done anything that would indicate that.  However the next day all pain was gone and I felt great...better than usual.


Now however after reading about your experience I am worried.  I should make an appointment with my doctor but I've been trying to find a new one since I don't care for him. I'll go since I need to see him about my blood pressure meds anyway while continuing looking for a new one.


Since you did have an attack what did your doctor suggest for now?  What were you told to do?   Thanks for your post!  



ETA:  I just made the appointment for a blood pressure check & EKG.  Thanks for the wake up call!

I had already had recient lab work so I did not have to have that redone. I will go on Tuesday to have a Myocardial Profusion Scan Treadmill Stress Test which will take 3 to 4 hours and then after that a Heart Echo test. So I will be at the Doctors off over 6 hour Tuesday. I was also told to take a baby asprin each day and if I even get any  type of a twinge go to the ER. 

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Re: I did not have the elephant.

Good luck @newberry at your doctors appointment. Hope it goes well. 

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Re: I did not have the elephant.

I got my results last week from the tests. No damage and I am thrilled. It was a good wake up call to change a few things and really pay attention to my body better. 


Thanks everyone for the well wishes.