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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

Wedding party favor?

Image result for umbrella hat

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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

[ Edited ]

This reminds me of a niece's wedding set for January in New York a few years ago. The venue had plenty of dates open and good prices so this was selected.


Fast forward to the actual event-- a large snow storm hit that day and half the guests didn't come. Anguish ensued.  The bride's mom was bemoaning all the paid-for dinners that were wasted.  Seriously?


We attended since we had a 4 wheel drive SUV and the mother of the bride is my SIL.

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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

For an outdoor event...there always needs to be a "Plan B".  For those who like to live on the edge...guess their nerves can take it...mine couldn't!!  But I agree with the OP...I would definitely step back from the drama, and be glad I wasn't attending!!!

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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

You cannot protect people from their own stupidity.

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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

Some people are so over the top with weddings. I don't think they realize that, once their guests go home and hang their "fancy" clothes back in the closet and plop themselves back down in their recliners and more than likely throw away the adorable favors from the wedding, that absolutely no one cares beyond that. It's over and done and they're as married as the couple who eloped.  But no, they think that no one will ever feel that way about THEIR wedding. 


I can be a spender. Ok, well I'm usually a spender, LOL, but I just don't get all the hoopla and enormous expense and resulting angst and anxiety over a seemingly simple ceremony. 


The divorce rate is something like 50%. Perhaps I'm getting a little cranky in my older age, but I just don't see the point in such elaborate plans and the jaw dropping expense in some cases. 


As for the wedding referenced in the original post, if it rains that day, the bride is going to just have to accept the fact that they'll get married in the same room as the reception. Seriously, no one cares. Just get it done. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

Oh goodness one of my guilty pleasures is Four Weddings on TLC where you see this all the time (that and Bridezillas).  I totally get that the bride has a vision in her head about how she would like her special day to be but you can't argue with Mother Nature . . . 

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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

@Abrowneyegirl  -  We just got back from a wedding held in the South, late afternoon (hottest part of the day -  it was approaching 100 degrees), outside and with NO shade!  It was so unbearably HOT, it was stupid!  The wedding party and most of the male guests were in dark clothing!  Everyone was fanning themselves and I was scanning the crowd wondering who was going to drop out first. 


I think some of these brides are looking to have the most "Pinterest Worthy Wedding", nevermind that the wedding party and guests are about to be cooked alive in the process.  Sweat pouring out all over your beet red face doesn't achieve the romantic wedding feel either. 

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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

@Abrowneyegirl wrote:

When people make poor decisions and plans THEN want to complain and have drama and expect sympathy.


Our family friends have a daughter getting married and they made decisions based on costs not common sense.


Their daughter is getting married and the wedding is OUTSIDE in a location well known for this time of year to be either:

Rain/wind storms


100 degrees with 90%+ humidity


Formal wedding, tuxedos


Everyday day now there is "hysteria" that the weather report for the wedding day is either extreme heat advisory or 2 inches of rain (no surprise)

There is no inside options unless the wedding takes place in the same room as the reception, which Bride does not want.  No tent option either, not that a tent is a good idea in a high wind/rain storm.


I step back from the "self created drama" with the reminder that this is normal summer weather here.

Thank Heavens we can not attend due to travel plans!!



Okay, I give up ......  if these parents are friends of yours, didn't you ask, out of curiousity, why they thought an outdoor wedding / reception was the best choice?   I would definitely wonder why the bride's parents went along with this idea.

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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern


Yes, the answer was simple - $$$$

 It was cheap.

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Registered: ‎03-04-2012

Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

Common Sense is in short supply these days.

@Imaoldhippie - Amen to that sister!  Serious short supply!