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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

@IlliniGirl88 wrote:

@Abrowneyegirl  -  We just got back from a wedding held in the South, late afternoon (hottest part of the day -  it was approaching 100 degrees), outside and with NO shade!  It was so unbearably HOT, it was stupid!  The wedding party and most of the male guests were in dark clothing!  Everyone was fanning themselves and I was scanning the crowd wondering who was going to drop out first. 


I think some of these brides are looking to have the most "Pinterest Worthy Wedding", nevermind that the wedding party and guests are about to be cooked alive in the process.  Sweat pouring out all over your beet red face doesn't achieve the romantic wedding feel either. 

@IlliniGirl88 - I went home in the middle of a wedding.  It was in a beautiful church.  But there were about 8 people trying to get video at the same time, babies crying all over the place, no one could hear their vows.  A long Catholic wedding - I just got up in the middle of it and walked out - it was so annoying.  The after party was on a boat - I didn't RSVP for that because no worse thing that being stuck on a boat and not being about to get off. 

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Registered: ‎03-15-2014

Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

At least they're holding the reception indoors.  Worst case, the wedding ceremony can be held there too.  I think the bride would agree if the weather is bad enough.

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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

At 57, I don't have the strength or time for any's garbage.   I just don't.  You're right people make poor choices, act foolishly, do dumb things, try to live the lives they wish they had, pretend to have more money than they do have.....and when things blow up in their's wahhh wahhhh wahhhhh.  We have friends who are in desperate straights now and I'v avoiding all calls and texts and emails from someone who have been friends with for 20 years.  I have to avoid her because I don't want to tell her the truth about herself.  She and her husband are losing their home because they tried to be something they are   Her husband who is an RN like my husband, quit nursing and went to work as a sales rep for a medical supply company.  He gave up his nursing license.  They sold their home and bought a pre-fab "mini mansion" that is foreclosre now.   They bought matching Mercedes.  They travelled. They strutted around like lifestyles of the rich and famous.    And then....hospitals stopped buying $$$ equipment.  His company was not competive with other companies.    His commissions fell drastically.  He wasn't meeting sales projections.  The company let him go.  He has no nursing license and would have to go back to school for a year to take classes to be reinstated.   He's 55.  As it turns out, the cars were leased and everything they did and owned was done on credit.  Their mortgage is ridiculous.   The kicker is......they are in deep doo doo and they are blaming everything and everyone except themselves.   It's "the economy". " It's the company that fired him".  It's age descrimination.   All they do is whine and cry and bemoan their fate.  I don't feel a lick of sympathy or compassion for them.  I just don't.  I want to say, go live in your car and be comforted by that high life you lived or 10 years or so.  Eat your $1000 suits and your $500 dresses.  You have the life you made for yourself.  I can't say that, so I avoid my them like the plague.  She's been calling and texting all morning.  She didn't say but a few months ago, she borrowed some money to keep pay her utility bills.  She called it a loan, it was gift because I new I wasn't never going to see that money again.  But that was one time thing.  

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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

@hoosieroriginal wrote:

@IlliniGirl88 wrote:

@Abrowneyegirl  -  We just got back from a wedding held in the South, late afternoon (hottest part of the day -  it was approaching 100 degrees), outside and with NO shade!  It was so unbearably HOT, it was stupid!  The wedding party and most of the male guests were in dark clothing!  Everyone was fanning themselves and I was scanning the crowd wondering who was going to drop out first. 


I think some of these brides are looking to have the most "Pinterest Worthy Wedding", nevermind that the wedding party and guests are about to be cooked alive in the process.  Sweat pouring out all over your beet red face doesn't achieve the romantic wedding feel either. 

@IlliniGirl88 - I went home in the middle of a wedding.  It was in a beautiful church.  But there were about 8 people trying to get video at the same time, babies crying all over the place, no one could hear their vows.  A long Catholic wedding - I just got up in the middle of it and walked out - it was so annoying.  The after party was on a boat - I didn't RSVP for that because no worse thing that being stuck on a boat and not being about to get off. 

@hoosieroriginal this reminds me of a rehearsal dinner party I attended . . . gorgeous setting on a boat but unfortunately it featured a fully stocked bar and crabs you had to crack open yourselves and nothing else.  No cheese, crackers, bread, fruit . . . nothing.  Needless to say when the boat docked there was a mad dash to a waterside restaurant that was closing up for the evening but when they saw the mad dash of folks they thankfully stayed open so folks could get some food in their stomaches.

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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern


That is the WORST ever!!

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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

@Just Bling wrote:

@Abrowneyegirl wrote:


Our family friends have a daughter getting married

I step back from the "self created drama" with the reminder that this is normal summer weather here.



Isn't it nice to just sit back and listen.  Sometimes people yearn for "drama" and sometimes it just follows people.


You are one wise person! Often people create their own

destiny. Serenity is boring to many, so they stir it up.

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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

[ Edited ]

I'll take it a step further, I can't have sympathy or concern for people who opt to make a huge deal over a wedding. Period. It's just become ridiculous.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

As a very dear friend of mine used to say, "you can't fix stupid!"  lol.....

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

Yikes!  I don't do drama.  I guess some people thrive on it.   


Hope it's soon so that it's OVER soon!  Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: I can not have sympathy or concern

The couple needs to elope.