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We're glad you found us too Newberry.  You must be a happy camper having just spent a week surrounded by pearls.  Good hear that you and "boys" are well.


Are you still working too many hours or have you found a good balance?

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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A quick update the outage has been cancelled for today and will be rescheduled , Here we go again, I was so prepared oh well another day. Marp DGS will be commuting                    and home on the week ends if all goes well.  Thanks to all for the shout outs I really appreciate it. I do not like this new spell check .

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Sorry about the rescheduling.  PITA when you are all set for something like that then it changes at the last minute.


I don't like the spellcheck now either.  Much rather use the on in Firefox.  I have to keep going back and editing my posts because I forget to spellcheck before I submit.  It should be automatic with the option to disable it.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Marp I seem to have found balance because of necessity. I have worked off and on two jobs and have decided I really needed to cut back and onty work no more that 40 hours in a week. I found I did not have much of a life when I was working 60 to 90 or more. Not only did I suffer but my sons did too.

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I'm happy to read that Newberry.  Your time with your sons is precious you have such a great relationship with them and you do need time for you.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Glad you are working less, newberry.  That is a beautiful necklace in your avatar. 


My company left, and now I can relax. The weather was beautiful, and we had lots of fun in the sun. 



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I am back in CT for a couple of days so DH can work. Today is my Weight Watchers meeting. I might wait and attend one in NH Thursday since my scale gave me bad news this morning. Too much eating and drinking during the weekend. 

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Hi Voots,


If your scale is talking to you then you must have had a good time with your guests over the weekend. Good friends, good food, good drinks, questionable aftermath.


I know I've asked you this before but since I suffer from advanced CRS I'll ask again. How long does it take for you to drive from home to your place in NH?

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Nafey. (((Hugs)))  to you. I know that you deal with a lot. Glad the outage was postpo



marp..good to hear your mom is doing well.,do you still have Teddy??


voots ..retirement is a gift.,I have some days when I get bored but I can usually find things to entertain myself.


Newberry..good to hear allmisxwell.. I bet the pearl week was special..


syd has a 2 week ballet camp which means I have to get her long, curly hair into a tight bun.,it is an interesting process.  We head to Hawaii at the end of next week and will meander down to Phoenix in early October.


i really hope bunny finds us.




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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

After three weeks or so of unlenting stress with stuff, mom and my youngest cat I've been having a few days of woe is Marp. 


Yesterday I received my new laptop and had to push myself to even open the box.  Now y'all know how much that goes against who I am.  Anyway, I did push myself and now nearly have it set up and that did help lighten my mood.


A couple of weeks ago I had a problem at the NH more with mom's roommate than anything.  Long story short due to gross miscommunication by a staff member mom was moved from the room she has considered "home" for over two years.  It took a week to get that straightened out.


I've also been going through my annual if you touch it it will break and need repair or replacement drama.  Laptop, NuWave oven, coffeemaker, air conditioner.  One on top of the other.


Then on the 27th my youngest cat (4 years old) had a seizure. I notified my vet and we took a watch and wait approach.  Friday night she had a second seizure so off to the vet Saturday morning.  The unofficial official diagnosis is idiopathic epilepsy.  All of her tests and blood work were "perfect" so no clues as to cause.  Of course I am monitoring her and so far have been able to keep myself from imagining symptoms.  She is not on any medications but I am giving her a natural calming agent called Composure.  I don't know if it will prevent another episode but it sure has helped keep her in the realm of normal cat instead of her usual hyper cat.


Now that I've caught y'all up on what has been going on around here I'm crawling back into my cave and play with my new laptop some more.  It is a touch screen model with a backlit keyboard.  I keep forgetting about the touch screen.  I never knew what I was missing by not having a backlit keyboard.  For the future that is going on my list of must have features.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.