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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Voots Thanks for the suggestion of  getting a cat however at this stage of my life I think I will just concentrate on taking care of this older body notice I said older? the" old" word dosen't set well with me  even tho I am vastly approaching 83    .LOL

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Posts: 172
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Newberry here just checking in. All is well in my world. Sons are back in school doing well and loving it. I'm at my lowest skinny fat weight in over fifteen years. I am beyond thrilled. Wearing my pearls and still working hard but that's ok.


Sending many hugs to you all  Heart

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Posts: 548
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Newberry , Happy to hear all is well with you and family, also the weight thing  as the saying goes "keep on keeping on"  it is worth it for sure, and when I lost my unwanted lbs  I got to buy a lot of new clothes which is my only form of being a bad girl at this point in my life, lol

DGS is doing very well in his classes as well. I am so proud of him . Some lucky gal will be getting a winner if she manages to  land him.He comes by almost every day after class  to ck on me to see if I am OK and if I need anything done around the house.

Sure pray everyone survived the storm with out too much damage and are safe as well. I haven't seen anything from Marp I pray she survived the storm ,as well as her "fur babies".

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Waving to the hutchmates  Smiley Happy

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Posts: 548
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Well my friends it has been quite a while but I got released from the "Bone " Doc and I do not have to have a hip replacement I  got a great (not) look at the pins in both legs    and one is still a bit out of line but Doc said I was doing fine and to just be cautious about the type of dancing I do ( yeah right) .So am still using the walker some of the time  and .sometimes in the am I am in the wheel chair till my body gets limbered up. The bad news is I am in a he##   of a lot of pain on occasion if I move the wrong way or when I get into bed. I realize I will never be able to get down on the floor again but  I can handle that (mostly) Things are going OK with the family DGS is loving his college courses and is acing every test .He cant wait to get get a career job in his chosen field. Sincerely hope everyone is OK              .  

Many good thoughts to you all. Toodles, Nafey 

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Posts: 172
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Sending hugs to the hutch......


Nafe I am glad to hear you are better. Please stay that way!