Frequent Contributor
Posts: 131
Registered: ‎12-15-2010

I Had a Health Scare Today (3/25)

This morning when I woke up, my left arm was all tingly and numb. For the past couple of days, it has been like that, so I called my dr, and made an appointment for latter in the day. When I got there they did the usual weigh and b/p. the good news is, I've lost 15 POUNDS!!! Woo-hoo!!! I still have a loooooooong way to go, but it's a start! My b/p was 122/84.

So my dr. asked a bunch of questions, did it hurt when I did this or that. I told her that I had an ache on the left side of my neck. She ordered an ekg(?), and soon, I was hooked up to 10 electrodes that monitored my heart. Then she ordered a blood draw. I'll find out the result in a week.

We're thinking that it might have been nothing more than a pinched nerve.

Oh, and on Monday, I go in for my sleep study.

It's interesting how everything is hitting the fan ever since I turned 40.


I dunno.