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Re: I Can't Believe What My HOA Just Did

Did the letter come from the BOD or the management company? My neighborhood is 3 years old. The first year the management company sent someone to drive around and look for infractions. They sent out letters for all sorts of supposed infractions. Those who received letters took them to the BOD and the BOD overruled the management company.  I would think that a letter to the BOD asking for time to correct the issue especially if you need to hire someone to do the yard work would help.  But read your governing documents and see what time frame they must give before they impose a fine and how much they can fine. $25 per day seem very steep. I agree that this is not the time to threaten homeowners. A gentle reminder to all to start the spring cleanup would have been so much better. In most parts of the country the grass and shrubs have not started to grow. If your governor has issued a shelter at home order you have a case for not being able to get out and purchase mulch lawn bags etc. You are probably not the only one in the neighborhood who is upset by this email. 

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Re: I Can't Believe What My HOA Just Did

@ScrapHappy   Oh please. I read HOA and hair stood up on my neck. Ours is the worst...just threatened a fine of $50 a day if didn't power wash house/windows. That's spring maintenance to us...done AFTER tax season. Every darn year we're fined in March/April when the yard is last thing on our mind....and THIS year? Good thing DH is a gentleman. 

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Re: I Can't Believe What My HOA Just Did

HOA's definitely have plusses and minuses.  Most utility companies and loan companies are giving folks a break right now, at least for the next 2 months, on forgiving non-payments or late payments w/no penalties until the 2 month due date.


Seems a little insensitive of the HOA to do such a thing at this time.  I'm guessing they're concerned the neighborhood may go to pot if people begin to neglect their properties during this time. 


My HOA does things I disagree with, but I am a rule follower and abide by the rules.  I used to live next door to a junk collector so I prefer the rules of the HOA to keep the neighborhood looking uniform and neat.  Every coin has 2 sides but I do understand your surprise and disapproval of such a notice with what's going on right now.

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Re: I Can't Believe What My HOA Just Did

@september wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

I'm not sure if I would want my neighborhood to suddenly 

have unkept grounds.  That's something a homeowner 

agrees to when purchasing a home.  


Many people have lawnmowers...why would it be an issue now?

Maybe the homeowner is ill?

They wouldn't send out a mass email for 1 lawn

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Re: I Can't Believe What My HOA Just Did



BOD are the ones who are to be familiar with community by laws & the management company normally is not authorized to just ride around & look for infractions.  This directive must have come from the BOD which IMO is wrong!


We had Property Manager who was the worse -- he was rude and treated homeowners like ####. I had him removed & we now have a great manager with vast experience working with HOAs.


The only time our Community BOD would issue a fine is when after 3 attempts at Board level (via mail & pic) then it is given to the next level of authority Community Architectural Commitee only after 3 certified letters are sent to homeowner with no response will the homeowner be fined.


We have 11 subdivisions (1which I am President) governed by their own BOD which each has different regulations but fall under the "umbrella" of the main Community standards.


All homeowners are responsible for the upkeep of their homes whether they are able or they have to hire someone.  It is the only way to keep the community standards and from your home being affected.




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Re: I Can't Believe What My HOA Just Did

I can totally sympathize with your reaction and viewpoint.  Although not a popular opinion, I would like to express my viewpoint as a neighbor of someone who shows practically zero attention to his his home.  With grass almost to the city's legal limit, he pulled out his mower and cut the frontyard, even letting his 4 year old help him cut bits.  Beside s not picking up limbs that have fallen throughout the winter, yard has not seen rake or mower since September.  Lawn too high all winter, looking like a prairie.  After his mow job today it looks like the goats came and ate and then threw up!

As neighbors walk the neighborhood they get a view that shows disrespect for others (Illness, age, funds, etc are not an issue)

I am sure many people will be doing less costly chores this spring, but most neighbors would appreciate the little things, like gumball being picked up, weeds pulled even if old mulch remains, bushes trimmed, etc.  We all worry about maintaining the value of our homes, especially in times where other investments are shaky.  I hope that your HOA has your best interests at heart.

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Re: I Can't Believe What My HOA Just Did

Perhaps they sent the letter out now because they fear that some people may lose their jobs and let their yard maintenance go.  If so, that is really insensitive because mulch and cutting the grass is not a priority when figuring out what bills to pay with a reduced income.

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Re: I Can't Believe What My HOA Just Did

we actually backed out of buying a house because of the bizarre and heavy-handed tactics of the HOA. They had a maximum circumference for pumpkins used for decor in your yard and pumpkins could not touch grass, only concrete or brick. I guess they had someone who measured them. After speaking with future neighbors and seeing the covenant...we backed out. Never regretted it.
OP should check their covenant and see if the HOA even has the authority to issue fines for specific things. Ridiculous. I hope the head of the HOA wakes up tomorrow with a lawn full of weeds.....
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Re: I Can't Believe What My HOA Just Did

I live in a gated community with an HOA and moved here specifically because it was an HOA neighborhood.  I was sick and tired of people who insisted that their old couch had a a place on the driveway, their old broken down cars belonged on the dead lawn and the icing on the cake, was a 2 story house down the street (a rental) where the upstairs window screen had been pushed out and the kids were sitting on the window frame, half in the house and half outside.


If there are extenuating circumstances then I would reach out to the board.  All it takes is a few trashy yards and houses to bring down the value of all the houses on the street and once it gets out of control, its difficult to real it in, since a precedent has now been set of what is acceptable. 


I look at it as keeping all the property values up as high as possible and I'm willing to live with their rules (althought my HOA is very reasonable).  This neighborhood has become very desirable and most houses sell quickly at either full or over asking price-and few are put on the market.



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Re: I Can't Believe What My HOA Just Did

@Twins Mom wrote:

I can totally sympathize with your reaction and viewpoint.  Although not a popular opinion, I would like to express my viewpoint as a neighbor of someone who shows practically zero attention to his his home.  With grass almost to the city's legal limit, he pulled out his mower and cut the frontyard, even letting his 4 year old help him cut bits.  Beside s not picking up limbs that have fallen throughout the winter, yard has not seen rake or mower since September.  Lawn too high all winter, looking like a prairie.  After his mow job today it looks like the goats came and ate and then threw up!

As neighbors walk the neighborhood they get a view that shows disrespect for others (Illness, age, funds, etc are not an issue)

I am sure many people will be doing less costly chores this spring, but most neighbors would appreciate the little things, like gumball being picked up, weeds pulled even if old mulch remains, bushes trimmed, etc.  We all worry about maintaining the value of our homes, especially in times where other investments are shaky.  I hope that your HOA has your best interests at heart.

I know it might be rebel to shake your fist to the 'establishment'

and also tap in to the emotion & financial pinch we're ALL feeling 

right now, but there are still things that have to go on. 

For as many stories people have about the 'evil' HOA, the other

side has just as many stories about the disrespectful neighbor.


I, too, hope the HOA has best interests at heart & for the greater good.