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Hunters (Harvest) Moon 10/19/21


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Re: Hunters (Harvest) Moon 10/19/21


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Posts: 12,295
Registered: ‎03-27-2010

Re: Hunters (Harvest) Moon 10/19/21

[ Edited ]

@godi  a stark Hunters moon (which follows the Harvest moon)  juxtaposed with lush fields....perfection


The Hunters Moon - October 20, 10:57 am EDT:



  Wild Forests


  Domestic Animals



a time to prepare/provide for the winter.




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Posts: 10,213
Registered: ‎06-14-2010

Re: Hunters (Harvest) Moon 10/19/21

A spectacular photo of the Harvest Moon,  the sky so blue and the moon aglow, lovely!!

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Posts: 38,064
Registered: ‎06-11-2011

Re: Hunters (Harvest) Moon 10/19/21

I thought the harvest moon was the full moon in Sept.

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Posts: 44,347
Registered: ‎01-08-2011

Re: Hunters (Harvest) Moon 10/19/21

Very beautiful!  Thank you!!!Smiley Happy