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How many of us went to the forums, then stayed to shop?

I know I go to the forums in the morning, then inevitably stay and shop around, looking at items people were discussing, and usually ended up buying.


Without the forums, I don't really have a reason to go directly to QVC to shop, unless I want to see what a particular vendor has that's new.  


I also go to other stores online, but only if I need something, never to just look.  I think QVC will see some loss of sales when the forums end, and maybe they don't care.  I guess I don't care either if they succeed in keeping their sales. 


Maybe that's why prices have increased so much lately.  I still laugh when I see their Life is Good t-shirts, I love them and buy directly from their website.  Much cheaper than the Q's prices.

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Re: How many of us went to the forums, then stayed to shop?

[ Edited ]

@new nickname 4 @I shop while I'm on the Forums everyday. I go back and forth. The membership of the Forum is small when compared to the total of QVC shoppers. We are just a drop in the bucket to Q. Plus, we are aging out and we are not generating revenue here  and ttheir FB site does from the use of other advertising targeting Q FB users. It probably costs more than it's worth for QVC to keep the Forum. Many of the members here have been shoppers spending a lot on QVC, but it's not enough to keep the board open. They have to pay salaries to the mods and they have to big their IT Department bogged down with our site issues. 

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Re: How many of us went to the forums, then stayed to shop?

@new nickname 4   I definitely stayed and shopped when visiting the forums.  I also would check on item numbers people mentioned that they liked. I think I did more spontaneous buying because of coming on the forums.  By the way, I buy directly from Life is Good too.  They have had a lot of good sales recently. 

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Re: How many of us went to the forums, then stayed to shop?

 I check out lunchtime specials, then forums. If an item is suggested I'd like I write it down, purchased a lot that way.

   I will shop my military px and it's free shipping and no tax! 
  This morning I had an e mail from HSN saying how much they appreciate me. I had just written letters to QURATE GROUP & CEO.  I don't feel appreciated! 

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Re: How many of us went to the forums, then stayed to shop?

It's strange to realize I only look at merchandise while I'm here using the forum.  I wonder how often I will even come here now.  

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Re: How many of us went to the forums, then stayed to shop?

I feel like there's no reason to come here if there's no forum. They made shopping fun. I'd look up a lot of things posters talked about, some even giving item numbers. Then I'd go back to the forums and come here several times a day to check messages. Always something fun to look forward to. But, all good things must come to an end.

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Re: How many of us went to the forums, then stayed to shop?

I usually check the forums a couple of times a day. While I'm on the website, I also check Recently on Air, Lunchtime Specials and other featured items. I might watch parts of a show when I'm channel surfing, but I rarely sit through an entire show on tv. Bottom line - if it weren't for the forums, I wouldn't spend much on QVC at all.

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Re: How many of us went to the forums, then stayed to shop?

I don't.  I might look up an item number to see what people are talking about, but I don't think I have ever bought anything that way.  And, I don't just shop QVC.  I come and check in on the forums and then go on to other things, checking back regularly, but not shopping.  

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Re: How many of us went to the forums, then stayed to shop?

No purchases made since 2011 with them so I will not be scanning much of their wares.  About the only time I see what they have is to watch presentation of something I might be interested in purchasing somewhere else.  Many times I have made a decision on an item just from watching their videos, but they did not get the sale.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: How many of us went to the forums, then stayed to shop?

Back when I first hit the internet, in 1999, I was just on WebTV and, while you are online, it was limited so I still had to call my orders in.


Meanwhile, I didn't find this board until about 5 years later.  But I have made numerous purchases over the years based on things I've read here.


I really haven't watched for a long time, but I check the 'recently aired' from this board, from time to time.   TBH, if I'm not on this board I really don't think about QVC at all.  I used to watch kitcen-type shows and some like D&Co, but I got to a point where I would just completely forget to watch.