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Re: How Many Have You Broken?

@Puppy Lips - do you name and year of ornament? I can see if I can find one for you.

@Desertdi - How special that your family made their own ornaments!
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Re: How Many Have You Broken?

@Sooner wrote:

Get a big tree and just cover it up with lights.  Solves the problem of decorating--because you don't need them!  Woman LOL

Shoekitty said.  This is so true!!!  We have done this. 9 ft tree, thousands of lights my husband put strand over strand of white lights in center and around trunk then used colored lights going out word.  It was gorgeous

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Re: How Many Have You Broken?

@BurnsiteWELCOME to NEW ENGLAND! It's time to Gear UP for Winter! Get your Sand and salt Handy.   

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Re: How Many Have You Broken?

@Sakuya wrote:
@Puppy Lips- do you name and year of ornament? I can see if I can find one for you.

@Desertdi- How special that your family made their own ornaments!

@Sakuya I had the company wrong, it was not a Hallmark ornament, is is a Carlton Cards Heirloom ornament.  I wonder if they are still in business. It is a wallet sized photo frame that is a school house with a Santa on the right side of the frame, a Christmas tree on the left side of the frame, and Christmas light bulbs going from the left side to the top of the Santa.  At the top of the frame is "2006-2007."  Above that is a frame with a school bell.  The frame is red with white glittery snow on top.  


If I knew how to add a photo, I would do so.  I have not looked for a replacement in awhile, but since you asked, I will start looking again too.

Thanks for your response.

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Re: How Many Have You Broken?

LyndaGee, I would never laugh at something like that. My last cat died 3 years ago and I still have her teeth that were removed. what the heck--I loved that cat so the teeth are a fond remembrance, plus they cost $700 so I'll never get rid of them...she was so sweet and I still miss her.


I think it's great that you're so fond of your pets that you've done this.

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Re: How Many Have You Broken?

@Puppy Lips wrote:

I manage to break a few here and there.


What upset me much more was that our young Husky chewed one up years ago.  It was one of those Hallmark Ornaments where you put your kid's school photo in it and write a few details about his life on the back.  I had left it on the coffee table for some reason.  She got ahold of it and chewed it to pieces.  I saved it all, of course, because I am, well, me.  I was looking for a replacement on EBay and could never find one.  I still have it here in my office, not sure what to do with it as I can't throw it out.

Try Hooked on Hallmark..they also have some other brands by date..

After having a Hallmark Gift/card shop for years...I don't break any ornaments...and solved the problem..I stopped putting up a tree.

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Re: How Many Have You Broken?

Just one was broken while we decorated this year. 

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Re: How Many Have You Broken?

[ Edited ]

I haven't set up the tree yet, but I'm guaranteed to break one or two glass ball ornaments.  Yup; I'm a ball breaker.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb