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Posts: 3,800
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Horrible shipping by QVC!

I'm having the same problem. Ordered the TSV Vionic sandals on March 11, still waiting for delivery. What a joke.

Posts: 45
Registered: ‎04-10-2010

Re: Horrible shipping by QVC!

To the QVC Cusstomer service... I sent to you the orders as requested to the address that you gave.

Posts: 45
Registered: ‎04-10-2010

Re: Horrible shipping by QVC!

Sent through my gmail the orderes that were referenced.

Posts: 45
Registered: ‎04-10-2010

Re: Horrible shipping by QVC!

Thanks Barb...I sent through my gmail the order numbers.  One is still being processed, and the one ordered on the 12th is still in the PO.

QVC Customer Care
Posts: 1,497
Registered: ‎10-12-2015

Re: Horrible shipping by QVC!

@deeva wrote:

I'm having the same problem. Ordered the TSV Vionic sandals on March 11, still waiting for delivery. What a joke.

Hi @deeva,


I understand that your frustration since your original EDD for the Vionics was today.  The good news is that I just checked your tracking on the UPS website and it indicates that your scheduled delivery has been updated to tomorrow by 8pm.  I hope this information helps!



Customer Care

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 98
Registered: ‎01-25-2012

Re: Horrible shipping by QVC!

I know it's frustrating, but keep in mind that QVC is only responsible for the day they ship. From there it's in the hands of the delivery carrier, and the Q has no control over that. Of course, they'll take care of you one way or another.


Best thing to do is keep up with tracking so you can notify the Q - or UPS - if something is wrong. UPS has a free service for customers that can notify you when a company ships, that your package will be delivered the next day, and when your package is delivered. It's really helpful!


It's a free account called UPS MY CHOICE. UPS My Choice