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Hope this will help others. Power of Attorney

May I strongly suggest, that if you might be in the position of having to ever be a caretaker of a family member, that you get a Power of Attorney.  This is again in my case, where I cannot stress enough, how much you'll need those papers when you need to do things for some family member in your care.  I suppose it could be for someone who asks your help if they need someone to take the job on.  Consider it sooner than later.  

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Re: Hope this will help others. Power of Attorney

Thank you for your post! Excellent advice,

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Re: Hope this will help others. Power of Attorney

Excellent advice!  The best time to do this is while your loved one still has CAPACITY to agree to this.  If you wait until your person does not have capacity, the courts will need to get involved. That is far costlier and more time consuming.  Alzheimer’s organizations have social workers who can help guide you, and lawyers specializing in elder care will make it happen.  

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Registered: ‎04-19-2016

Re: Hope this will help others. Power of Attorney

When my husband passed I had  no issues with anything.  But I went to my attorney soon after and had a new will drawn up and added all the necessary forms needed if something were to happen to me.  Power of attorney, living will.  I even went to the bank and had a paper drawn up giving my daughter permission to get into my accounts if I were to pass away.  

I made sure my life insurance and 401 designated who gets what percentage as well.  The will does not guarantee those things and it goes to whoever you have listed on those things.  This was a good place to add my grandchildren and give them a certain amount.   They are in the will as well.  

I told my daughter everything is in the lock box and all the necessary papers are together.  She knows where the key is and we did discuss all my wishes beforehand.  

My husband did a good job getting things lined up and I always knew where all the paper work was and we talked about death.  He purchased our plots and headstone years ago.  We knew each others wishes and I am thankful for that.  Made those decisions much easier for me and my daughter.  

When it came to finances and bills to be paid we shared those responsibilities so I was never left in the dark and that is most important is to know it all.  

When my sister passed everything was a mess and then my oldest brothers swoops in and takes over and she would have hated that but she didn't prepare anything.  We had to go to a lawyer and start the process because she had no will.  She was cremated because I had asked her at one time  and I also tried to encourage her to make a will and said she was working on it.  


Two different kind of experiences but for when I am gone no loose ends for others to have to go though.  It is hard enough.  Best thing you can do for others get your affairs in order before you get sick.  

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Re: Hope this will help others. Power of Attorney

[ Edited ]

You are so right and great advise.  Dont ever think "that your not rich I have no money to leave anyone" that you should not have this done.  I have seen people fight over absolutely nothing and I mean nothing.


This is a very short synopsis of what I personally have experienced.  Years ago I dated a man that died of pancreatic cancer.  I took care of him in his final months.  He had only 1 thing and that was an older pickup truck.  His daughter said since dad cant compensate you you can have his pickup.  At the time it was a Godsend as I was without a job or any transportation of my own.  After he passed his daughter went home.  I search through all of his papers but never found a title to the truck.


I finally traced down where he bought the truck, but it was never paid for and they had a repo out on it.  Meanwhile the daughter called the car dealership and told them my address so they could repo the truck.  There is some left to the story, but you get the picture.


Moral of this story?  Never trust anyone who thinks they might get something after someones death.

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Re: Hope this will help others. Power of Attorney


I have a Medical POA, Financial POA, and living will. I'm getting a trust for the house and anything else I have because I don't want it to go through probate.


My brother and I just closed probate for my dad.  I don't wish that on anyone. 

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Re: Hope this will help others. Power of Attorney

Please check your state's law, but for me I was able to retain them myself. The named individuals knew where I kept them.


Also needs to be done while you are still able.


In my state the DNR order has to be done by your physician.  A different process.

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Re: Hope this will help others. Power of Attorney

I'm POA for a friend.  I have been active in this position for about eight years now.


The OP is right, you need the paperwork.  I have made copies and had to drop off a copy to all her doctors.   Without it, they won't even let me make an appointment for her.


A POA becomes invalid upon death, so make sure you take care of things before you pass.


Also make sure the Paperwork can be found and let the POA know you have chosen them for this position ahead of time.


Sometimes, i feel it is a full time job. My friend has dementia.  I am called for every little thing....even to give permission for a test for a bladder infection.

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Registered: ‎04-19-2016

Re: Hope this will help others. Power of Attorney

Everyone here as valuable input.  Bottom line get it all done to make life easier for all.  Let everyone know as well.


I know it is hard to think about or do but it is also gives you some satisfaction as well.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Hope this will help others. Power of Attorney

[ Edited ]

@qualitygal wrote:

May I strongly suggest, that if you might be in the position of having to ever be a caretaker of a family member, that you get a Power of Attorney.  This is again in my case, where I cannot stress enough, how much you'll need those papers when you need to do things for some family member in your care.  I suppose it could be for someone who asks your help if they need someone to take the job on.  Consider it sooner than later.  

@qualitygal .   I am an attorney and I agree with you 💯%.   It is important to have a Power of Attorney executed  before one becomes incompetent.   I can't count the number of times people have come to me requesting that I prepare a Power of Attorney for a loved one who is incompetent.   I can't have anyone execute a POA if they don't know what they are doing.   At that point one has to file for guardianship with the courts.  Also, a POA is only valid while a person is alive.   Once they pass away the POA is not worth the paper it is written on.