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Hitchbot lost his head - and more

[ Edited ]

I didn't see that anyone had posted this tale yet about Hitchbot, the hitchhking robot, who was made in Canada, traveled across European countries, and lasted two weeks in the US before he was torn apart in Philadelphia.  Poor guy.   

His method of transport was to wait quietly at the side of the road until his cuteness captured someone's attention and they picked him up.

Story link is HERE


There are reports a tech group has offered to put him back together again and send him on his way.

Here is how he looked at Niagara Falls:

         Photo published for America proves too tough for hitchhiking robot after vandals end cross-country trip

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Hitchbot lost his head - and more

Only in America. I would have picked him up.
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Re: Hitchbot lost his head - and more

I saw this story on the news. Why do we have such pigs in this country that have to go and destroy things for no reason? They have video of the guy beating Hitchbot to pieces.


It was a fascinating experiment and I hope the techies put him back together to continue his journey. I love to give this little bot a ride!

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Re: Hitchbot lost his head - and more

I, too, vote for someone to put him back together and allow him to continue his journey.  


There are good folks in Philly!  Hopefully this time he'll be picked up by one of them.  Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Hitchbot lost his head - and more

Yeah well, of course in this world of picture-taking cell phones, someone video'd the guy who kicked the robot to the curb.  I bet if you pull up youtube you'll find it.


Whoever this guy is, I have 2 things - I really hope someone nails him for destroying the bot, and I hope he never needs help, especially in the city of brotherly love.  Someone just may kick him to the curb!!!

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Re: Hitchbot lost his head - and more

I read about that last week. It made me so sad. No wonder other countries call us ugly Americans. This is why we can't have nice things.

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Re: Hitchbot lost his head - and more

Brutal Smiley Sad

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Re: Hitchbot lost his head - and more

What the heck is wrong with people? SMH.

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Re: Hitchbot lost his head - and more

May it be put back together again so it can contiue its travels.

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