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Posts: 42,258
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I read the post that you put in the Back Fence thread for July and agree 100%.

Two more tragic stories about fireworks.When I get upset about fireworks, I'm not kidding.

Here is a story about a Michigan man who died when a firework hit him in the chest - he was young (40's) with children.

I am a die hard channel 7 action news person, since I was a child. I learned this morning, that the chief meteorologist for the station - Dave Rexroth - was on vacation in Iowa with his family and lost his left eye because of a fireworks accident. He will be having surgery this week and will be fitted with a prosthetic eye and should return to the air in September.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise