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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

WOW!😮 Reading this story BROKE my heart💔, and moved me to tears because I empathize with her.😢 I will not judge the interaction because I do not know her story, but she is a mother who did not have enough to cover ALL of her groceries, and THAT tugs at the heartstrings!😔


I was a VERY young mother, and faced this scenario a time or two, because I did not plan properly, and had not yet developed good money management skills.🥰 I used cash back then, and simply did not bring enough with me to cover everything; THINKING I had enough. I hope her case is similar, and that she and daughter did not go lacking because of it! ❤🤞🤞🙏


~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story


@TheMemphisVette wrote:


i can't imagine what folks with young families are going through just trying to feed them


the grocery prices are unreal


hard to get worked up over the price of a top on shopping channel that no one really needs

You are exactly right.  And I am ashamed that I posted in beauty about a half filled jar.  I will count my blessings and stop complaining.  There are real needs out there, and I am calling my own self out tonight.🫤

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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

@Effie54 wrote:

Oh no, that's heartbreaking. I would have also offered to pay. That could be the difference between them eating a meal and going hungry. The employee seemed to be lacking empathy. 

Maybe they are not allowed to do that or maybe the cashier didn't have the means herself.

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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

@eadu4 wrote:

@occasionalrain  respectfully, since we don't know what was in her other bags and you are judging her on two frozen dinners perhaps you might consider her reason for those two dinners.  She has a small child, perhaps she works multiple jobs and those would have given her a break from cooking.  Not everyone is a good cook, or has time to put together a "homemade" meal every night.  Yes you can make meals ahead but since no one here walks in her shoes and has ANY idea what her life is like, perhaps we should not judge her on a couple of items?  
     We all try to make good choices.  I know when my kids were young there were times I opted for a "quick meal".  I was working weekends, holidays, and for a time two jobs.  I didn't feel guilty and my kids weren't harmed.  It gave me more time with them.  I considered that a "better choice" 😊


@eadu4  @occasionalrain 


Great post ... and spot on!  Heart

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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

Years and years and years ago, while at the  supermarket very early morning (around 7am)....I ran across an elderly lady, warmly dressed in a coat......eating donuts at the donut bin which was in a side corner of the supermarket.


She looked very hungry.  I gave her a $5 bill, and walked away.


I often think of her.  I remember her face very clearly.






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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

@AlsaceGal    I'm so sorry you faced days without food as a child.  I am so thankful for what I have.  We never went to bed hungry, but I know today many, many more face food insecurity.  


I give to the food bank monthly.  Either a check or donation.  My heart breaks for families that struggle with rent, utilities and food.  No child (or adult), should never have to go to bed hungry.  

We sometimes take every day for granted.  I'm blessed every day.  
hearing this story makes me want to try to do more.  

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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

@occasionalrain wrote:

Grocery store cashiers are not well paid. She probably has her own issues to endure.

Did you notice what else the woman bought? Milk, eggs, bread...or overpriced junk food like the TV dinners?


@occasionalrain  Are you judgmental of everybody?  Maybe you should share with us your perfect behavior in all ways.  Because it is not reflected in your posts.

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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

@SilleeMee Those benefits depend upon the state in which you live. Don't forget cuts made to funding in SNAP.

i don't mind helping people by writing legislators to provide for the elderly, indigent, struggling individuals, or families and would support raising taxes to do, especially those that pay so little. I also donate to the local food bank and feeding centers.

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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

@SilleeMee wrote:

@Snowpuppy wrote:

What stuns me is when people lecture you to "live below your means!"


What happens when you have 0 household incoming in? How to budget that? 




There's the SNAP program to help those in need. Plus free school meals for families with kids. During the summer they get SFSP (Summer Food Service Program).


@SilleeMee  The SNAP and other food programs are administered by the local governments. Different states have different requirements.  And the benefits do not always meet the needs, even in the best of cases.  That is why we have pantries and local programs in NYC.

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Re: Heartbreaking Walmart Story

[ Edited ]

@cheriere   I also would have paid for those items she apparently didn't have the cash to cover. 


I don't know the state you're in; however, I was visiting my daughter in CA and there were MANY people in line at Costco using Food Stamps (there's a debit card or something like that) to help pay for food that has gone up so much). 


Of course, a person would have to afford a Costco membership.


Apparently, the woman you encountered didn't have food stamps and perhaps she would qualify and should apply.