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Re: Have You Searched For, Reconnected with Former Friends?



Promise you'll return and tell us about the reunion. You'll have so many experiences to relive and lots of laughs. 

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Re: Have You Searched For, Reconnected with Former Friends?

@Duckncover wrote:

There are many websites that do yearbook searches by graduation year or name, so it is pretty easy to find people now. Maybe too easy. DH had a former employee from forty years ago call him one night....DH had fired him due to drinking on the job instead of working, plus a few other problems. The guy bragged that he was looking at our house on google maps....I didn't sleep for a week! Never heard from him again, thankfully. The truth is, anyone can find almost anybody now if they spend some time on the internet. 

@Duckncover, I bet he had decided to call after a few drinks. That is not uncommon.

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Re: Have You Searched For, Reconnected with Former Friends?

No. The thought never occured to me and I honestly can't think of anyone from my past that I'd want to re-connect with. The past is the past and I'm happy to let it stay there. 

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Re: Have You Searched For, Reconnected with Former Friends?

I stayed connected to several friends of many decades.

My life-long friend passed away four years ago, and another is quite ill with cancer and Alzheimers.  But another dear friend who is older than the others is doing quite well and we connect on the phone fairly often.  She lives 100 miles from me, and we did see each other before the pandemic, but now it's on the phone.


Several nice friends I sort of lost interest in connecting with.  There was no particular reason other than I felt the relationships had run their courses.  Nothing negative or

untoward.  One was a lovely neighbor who moved to a town about 150 miles north.  We stayed connected for about 15-20 years, visiting and attending celebrations.  It just sort of evolved into not too much in common anymore.  I think that is just life. 


I honestly don't have any desire to reconnect with old friends.  I hope everyone is doing well, but I have lost


My husband has stayed connected to several friends from high school and he always loves reunions.  He speaks at least once a week to a friend from high school, and I think they both enjoy these conversations a lot.

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Re: Have You Searched For, Reconnected with Former Friends?




I've been dwelling on my recent experiences .... 


I have been looking for former friends and co-workers from my early days.  I deliberately sought out 4 people I really enjoyed working with, and finally found them   All 4 had passed away.  The youngest died in 1990 ... 31 years ago.  Wow.


Time has really flown, I guess.

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Re: Have You Searched For, Reconnected with Former Friends?

No.   I have no interest in reconnecting with any old friends or co-workers.   

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Re: Have You Searched For, Reconnected with Former Friends?



That is tough.  That has happened a few times to my husband.  He was interested in connecting with someone he had known so well in school and had seen him during his most-recent reunion.  He found out he had died  last Fall, not Covid related. 

Pretty much the same story with someone he hadn't seen in a while but wondered how he was doing....This man had been a caretaker of his wife who had MS for decades.

His wife is still alive, but he died.


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Re: Have You Searched For, Reconnected with Former Friends?

[ Edited ]

No I haven't.   I've lived in Germany and a few states quite a distance from each other and once I move on from an area I kind of cut the cord.  I guess I see no reason to continue a relationship with someone that I most likely will never see again.  


I know many people continue friendships with past co-workers but I don't do that either.  

I once worked with a girl who on her day off would go to two of her previous employers and visit with the people that she used to work with.  I always thought that was strange and wondered if her previous co-workers really enjoyed her coming by all of the time.



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Re: Have You Searched For, Reconnected with Former Friends?

No.  Not something that I want to do.  

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Re: Have You Searched For, Reconnected with Former Friends?

From my experience, it is probably better to leave them in the past. The several Cousins I did reconnect with...I have pretty much distanced myself again. One had a restraining order against him for stalking, another is a party animal and the third can't get along with any family, friends or co-workers (and I can see why).


Old work friends spent money on vacations, BIG homes, clothes and things they couldn't afford. They are still working because they can't afford to retire. I felt resentment that I am retired.


I did have breakfast with my old best friend and Maid of Honor in my wedding 45 yrs ago...and it has been nice and she hasn't changed. We get together once a month and have a nice tme.