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Re: Harry And Meghan's Christmas Card Photo

If I say I do not care for it, does it mean I'm jealous of her?

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Re: Harry And Meghan's Christmas Card Photo

[ Edited ]

@lulu1 wrote:

If I say I do not care for it, does it mean I'm jealous of her?





It's not for a holiday card, IMO.

Then again, I get to see their backside.

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Re: Harry And Meghan's Christmas Card Photo

It's a romantic photo, and perfect for their wedding album... but NOT for a Christmas card, IMO.

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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Re: Harry And Meghan's Christmas Card Photo

I can think of several other pictures of them together that I like more than this one, but apparently they really like it, and I guess that's all that matters.

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Re: Harry And Meghan's Christmas Card Photo

@mousiegirl wrote:

Strange picture for a Christmas card, turning their backs on the people who will receive them,. so to speak.  Who wants to look at the back sides of people any time, but especially on a Christmas card, don't consider this a greeting, lol.

See Page Six of Today's NY Post.   Meghan's sister says the card depicts her turning her back on her family.   The Post article also has comments from people on social media about loving William & Kate's warm and welcoming card vs. Harry & Meghan's turning their backs card.

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Re: Harry And Meghan's Christmas Card Photo

It’s impossible to tell whose backs are being shown. Obviously, the card was sent from Harry and Meghan but I would not have been able to say who was photographed in the absence of advance information. I suppose they don’t care and are just as happy not to show their faces, but for the recipients it is probably a disappointment.

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Re: Harry And Meghan's Christmas Card Photo

I think it makes Harry look heavier/wider than he really is.

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Re: Harry And Meghan's Christmas Card Photo

@QVCalm wrote:

My instant thoughts:  Their lives are now, and forever will be, attempting to see all that glitters, all that is in-front of them..... and facing all of 'that' together.They will be, at times, in a shadow of who/what they are to the world....maybe, looking at this objectively and knowing that all that shines is only a part of reality.


They’re thinking about their meaningful careers ahead and the significant contributions they’ll be making to humanity, like the rest of the family. 

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Re: Harry And Meghan's Christmas Card Photo

@Scorpio1971 wrote:

@ValuSkr wrote:

I'm trying to figure out what they're looking at.  Mountains?  Was the photo taken when they were in New Zealand?


I would have preferred to see their frontside.  Instead they opted for this B&W rather artistic shot.  At least no one will critique Meghan's attire.  Smiley Happy

Heard it reported this morning that they were looking at the fireworks display after their wedding at reception.

Fireworks? Can’t spend too much of the public’s money! 

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Re: Harry And Meghan's Christmas Card Photo

[ Edited ]

I like the picture but not for a Christmas card. Harry’s extended leg also looks extremely long to me. 

