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Re: Happy Groundhog Day - February 2, 2024!


Tulips On Canvas Print


Good Morning!

Punxsutawney Phil Has Spoken!! 









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Re: Happy Groundhog Day - February 2, 2024!

Way to go Phil!   

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Re: Happy Groundhog Day - February 2, 2024!

First of all, Isn't Phil soo cute!!

I just love groudnhogs!


And just this morning sitting outside, I was thinking, it looks and feels like spring is coming!


There were so many Robins outside, enjoying whatever they are enjoying.


And though it was so nice to see, I am still hoping for snow!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Happy Groundhog Day - February 2, 2024!

I'm all for an early spring but we'll see.


@Grade1Teach, just wanted to say that you sound like a great, fun and creative teacher!

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Re: Happy Groundhog Day - February 2, 2024!

@beach-mom Thanks for sharing the information.


I used to work with a guy that went to Penn State - Main Campus. He used to go to Gobbler's Knob every year. It was a tradition. He started going with friends when they attended Penn State. So they continue to meet up for Groundhog Day every year.

FYI - AMC TV station is showing "Groundhog Day", the movie all day today.

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Re: Happy Groundhog Day - February 2, 2024!

We were up to watch live at 6 a.m!  They changed a few things this year. I'm not a fan of the signs they were holding up on stage; I found them distracting. The dancers this year were great and enthusiastic! Years ago when our nephews were in high school one of the dancers was one nephew's friend. The girls that year acted like they didn't want to be there!




DH's friend wasn't there. He may have retired. About 5 years ago DH's family dentist the whole time he was growing up was still part of the Inner Circle. This year his son, also a dentist, was on stage. We did hear them welcome the mayor. I was trying to see him, but he was on the other side in the back from where the governor was. 



Phil is a baby groundhog. Of course they have more than one. Two stay in their home next to the library/mayor's office. There is a big picture window overlooking the town square. One visits schools. One is at the Weather Center.



It was 34 degrees this morning. That's a "heat wave" for Punxsutawney, where the average temperature this time of year is usually around 10! 



People come from all over the states and the rest of the world for this! No one is allowed to drive up; buses take people up starting shortly after midnight, and back down most of the day.




Our nephews were always happy school was closed for the day!  Smiley Wink




@drizzellla - It is a tradition for a lot of people. I went to a doctor (specialist) some years ago, back when doctors had time to talk to you! He asked me where we were from. He was excited when I told him about DH. He said his daughter took him up for his 50th birthday. They stayed a few days. They went to the Ball and stood in the cold early in the morning at Gobbler's Knob. He loved it, and since then made it an annual tradition!



DH and the rest of his family have never been. When I mentioned it years ago they looked at me like I was crazy. I probably would have enjoyed it when I was young!



@Elodie2 - I agree!  @Grade1Teach - Both of our children wore their T-shirts to school every year, and I think DD took our groundhog statue and a book in to share with her class during her early years of school.  Smiley Happy



When the TV  coverage was over, I planned to nap a few more minutes. Then I looked at the time. No nap for me; I had to get ready. I was not very peppy this morning. I'm glad it's Friday!  Smiley Wink