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It is 70 degrees here  so I parked myself on the porch with my basket of candy . No up and down answering the door , just enjoying the kids and their cute costumes . Since it was so warm they didn't have to cover their outfits. I didn't run out of candy, so another holiday in the books, now on to Thanksgiving. 🦃

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Re: 🎃 Halloween 🎃



Sounds like an enjoyable way to enjoy this today!🧡

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Re: 🎃 Halloween 🎃

When I used to give out candy (stopped about 10 years ago) that's what I did. I would sit in my chair, listen to a radio and pass out candy. I stopped giving out candy because there just wasn't enough kids in the area to bother with. I noticed tonight only a few houses have their light on. Most people in my area seems to have stopped. 

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Re: 🎃 Halloween 🎃

My street was just crazy last night.   Everyone was outside.   I had enough candy for 800 kids and ran out.  One of my neighbors who didn't run out said there were almost 1000 kids.  


Great costumes and everyone was polite and having fun.  It was a great evening., weather was perfect too....70 and breezy.

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Re: 🎃 Halloween 🎃

It was in the high 70's here last night so we had a higher turnout this year. Based on the leftover candy, we had about 85 kids. I thought I was going to run out of candy. 🫢 We don't have a porch, so I was getting up and down to give out candy. Most of the costumes were very good with a few outstanding. It was a great night! 

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Re: 🎃 Halloween 🎃

13 kids.  I always buy too much, but years ago this neighborhood got a lot.  The candy will be going to my part time job tomorrow!  I just think more people now go to trunk or treat events.  Daylight, safe, and sponsored by schools and churches.  

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Re: 🎃 Halloween 🎃

I left the office at 3:30 yesterday to run one errand then home.  I was already seeing children in the neighborhood out trick or treating at 4:00.  Not sure how well they did that early.  

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Re: 🎃 Halloween 🎃

Everyone was out this year. The weather was so warm, so the neighbors were all sitting outside with their candy. 


Had lots of fun, talking to the neighbors and seeing all the kids. The neighbor across the street set up his keyboard and was playing all kinds of music. He also set up quite a light show.

Enjoyed seeing all the kids having a good time, all the neighbors having a good time and the costumes that all the Mom'/Dad'ss got together for their kids.

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Re: 🎃 Halloween 🎃

No kids for me--again. I saw one adult all dressed up as a clown before dark, running thru the parking lot----I live in an apt----so now  have 2 bags of goodies---but know if I don't buy any--that's when tons of kids will come knocking. Also it was raining pigs and chickens here, temps in the low 50's--( in  Seattle), last night--as is  usual for us here. The office staff was dressed up as beanie babies--complete with the tags--I didn't see them but DD did---cute idea!! wonder how many know anything about beanie babies??