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@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@goldensrbest wrote:

Telling her to take her medicine, i see nothing wrong with that, she needs to see her doctor,and do what he says to do.

@goldensrbest.  She saw her Doctor yesterday. He said to take the medicine he gave her. I thought you saw her post about this.

Yes ,i did i was speaking to  what a poster had said.

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@halfpint1, I saw your thread yesterday but had to run before I had time to post.  First, I am glad your phone problem has been resolved & grateful to posters here that tried to help you.


Please, please take your medications as your doctor prescribes. Don't rely on posters here to advise you on whether or not to take any medications.  If you have concerns or questions ask your doctor & discuss with him.


As a nurse, I am loathe to do this...because health care professionals certainly know that advising on a discussion board is very limited.  We don't know medical history, risk factors, or anything else in order to provide reliable information. 


But, I am going to make an exception here in this case based on some threads I saw months ago about the noises you hear & problems you were having. 


You most likely have a condition we call tinnuitis.    It is described as ringing in the ears, but the sound people have with this condition has a wide range of what the noise sounds like. Some report hearing a "roar". The very definition of tinnuitis is hearing a sound repetitively when there is no acutal external sound that can be heard.  In the vast majority of cases, the particular cause remains unknown, but It is caused by problems with the ear. 


That is why no one else, including your son, can hear the sound.  With tinnuitis, only you hear the sound.  The sound is not caused by an air conditioner, refrigerator, oven, dishwasher, or anything else.  It is being generated by your ear.


It can be very disturbing and unsettling for people when the start with tinnuitis.  Here are some things that I really hope you will do to help yourself with this situation:


*First, write down on a piece of paper....the noise is coming from my ear.  It is not coming from anywhere else.


*On that same sheet of paper write, the noise will go away on its own.


*Put that piece of paper on the fridge or bedside table & when it starts to bother you, read that paper over and over.  Take deep, slow breaths & try to stay calm.


*Work on realizing the noise itself is not a threat.  As long as it has gone on you know the fridge isn't going out, the washing machine didn't start running on its own, etc.  Try hard to reason through telling yourself the noise is coming from your ear.  By now, you know exactly what the noise sounds like to you, so when it starts you will condition yourself to realize this is the problem with your ear.  Stress and anxiety will make the noise worse, so reason with yourself & try to keep yourself calm.


*If you are napping during the day, try your best not to take a nap.  Seems like for you, the problem with tinnuitis tends to be worse at night.  The more tired you are at the end of the day, the easier you will be able to deal with the noise & eventually go to sleep.


*Take your medicines as prescribed by your doctor.


*Think about using a TV or radio at night when the noise starts.  It needs to be something that holds your attention, but by finding a TV show, calming music, or some type of give the brain something else to process which can help provide some distraction from the noise.


*On another piece of paper write down "tinnuitis".  Take that piece of paper with you to your next doctor's appointment.  Ask him if that is what he has determined you have & if so, ask him/her what other things you can do that will help.


*I know there are support groups out there for people that have serious problems with tinnuitis.  I think there may be some online support groups as well.  You might see if you can find an online support group that have tips, information, & provide you with another type of support.


I truly wish you the best & I know the noise can be terribly bothersome & disruptive.  But it is critical for you to start to deal with the fact that it is caused by a condition in your ear.  You can call all kinds of other people to come to your home, but no one else is going to hear the sound because it is coming from your own ear.  So try and work on starting to learn about tinnuitis, do things to distract you so that you can deal with it better when it does happen, and realize that at some point the noise does stop for a while.  You will get better in terms of dealing with it and learning what works best to help you get through the times you are hearing then noise.


Hang in there!  Heart






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@pitdakota, This could be much more than that.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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@pitdakota  She went to an Ear, Nose & Throat doctor a while ago and had a hearing test.  They would have been able to tell her if she had tinnitus and they did not.  My tinnitus was diagnosed with a hearing test.  When you sit in the booth to be tested it is very quiet and you would hear the ringing in your ear at that time.  It would cover up some of the "pings" they are giving you to hold your hand up and acknowledge hearing.  That's why I don't think tinnitus is what is causing her to hear these noises.


Also, the ONLY time she hears the noises is when she's at home.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
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@NickNack wrote:

@pitdakota  She went to an Ear, Nose & Throat doctor a while ago and had a hearing test.  They would have been able to tell her if she had tinnitus and they did not.  My tinnitus was diagnosed with a hearing test.  When you sit in the booth to be tested it is very quiet and you would hear the ringing in your ear at that time.  It would cover up some of the "pings" they are giving you to hold your hand up and acknowledge hearing.  That's why I don't think tinnitus is what is causing her to hear these noises.


Also, the ONLY time she hears the noises is when she's at home.

I agree.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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@goldensrbest wrote:

@pitdakota, This could be much more than that.



Could be, but one has to start somewhere. 

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@goldensrbest wrote:

@I am stillkeeper of the  wrote:

@goldensrbest,my  post wasnt aimed at you.Many were suggesting why she was hearing noise. She has had these episodes before, posted here,seemingly  urgent.It seems coming here gives here  comfort,which is nice,but she needs to take control of this herself. There appears to be a bigger problem than not taking meds. When wellness checks are made out of fear on a public board,action needs to be taken.You cannot replace  badly needed evaluation with kind words. Telling her everything is ok ,doesn't make it so..

Yes, she does need evaluation,  she must help herself, if she does not her son needs to get her into a safe place,and go from there.

Her son may not be able to do that for a number of reasons. If she won't do it, she would have to SEEM incompetent for him to be able to do anything.

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@NickNack wrote:

@pitdakota  She went to an Ear, Nose & Throat doctor a while ago and had a hearing test.  They would have been able to tell her if she had tinnitus and they did not.  My tinnitus was diagnosed with a hearing test.  When you sit in the booth to be tested it is very quiet and you would hear the ringing in your ear at that time.  It would cover up some of the "pings" they are giving you to hold your hand up and acknowledge hearing.  That's why I don't think tinnitus is what is causing her to hear these noises.


Also, the ONLY time she hears the noises is when she's at home.



@NickNack, a routine hearing test that is normal does not rule out the diagnosis of tinnuitis.  Sometimes they also need to do MRIs or other imaging studies to rule out some other causes.  And in some cases, the cause is never identified, meaning all the tests the person has are within normal limits.  The diagnosis then may be made on clinical presentation alone.


Notice that both of these websites discuss the hearing test as helping to rule out or identify possible causes of tinnuitis.  A normal hearing test does not in and of itself rule out the diagnosis of tinnuitis.


In terms of it mostly occuring when she is at home...she is 81 years old and does get out a little during the day.  But from her posts over the years I think she spends most of her time at home.  So it is reasonable that it would mostly occur when she is at home.  I also suspect she gets a little anxious at night being alone and things are quieter in the neighborhood.  The anxiety itself can make the tinnuitis worse, or at the very least, more noticeable. 


*Edited to clarify that a normal routine hearing test doesn't rule out tinnuitis on that basis alone. 



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I think we're all posting in circles and no real help or change evident for dear Halfpint. I feel bad for her.❤️


She's been asking about tinnitus for years. I looked back at my posts and I posted on one of her Tinnitus threads in Oct 2017.



On another thread someone mentioned her questions about the noises and tinnitus from March 2016.


"Do you hear noises in your house?"


03-15-2016 05:01 AM


halfpint1 wrote:


For the last 2 weeks there is like a humming through here. I called the ac-heating and the man couldn't hear anything either could my son or a neighbor when they were here. I am not crazy and it is not tinnitis in my ear. I can't get back to sleep. It also comes during the day. It is not the freeway or an airplane. My son looked this up and other people say they have this problem. Not pipes that I can tell elither. I might invest in a new fridge since this one is old even if I am not positive that is the reason. It lasts for a few hours. All I could think of is a tv report of bees in an attic with honey oozing down the walls of a house. "


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@halfpint1, there is a lot of mention of you having tinnitus.  Has your doctor diagnosed you with this?  If you do in fact have tinnitus it is remotely possible that yours is peripheral tinnitus rather than centralized tinnitus.


As I said it is remotely possible that a physiological problem is the cause of the tinnitus such as TMJ dysfunction.  Just on the outside chance the cause is physiological you should mention the tinnitus to your other healthcare providers such as your dentist and even your orthopedist if you have one.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.