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Re: Had contact with friend from school

[ Edited ]

@cookinfreak wrote:

I am old enough that we called it  jr high and high school and we spent lots of time together. Sleep overs and pizza parties, school dances. Could go on and on She sent me a message on facebook a couple of weeks ago and we decided it would be fun to get together. We havent had contact for probably 35 or more years. So I went to the restaurant. I waited 30 min. (Don't have her number since we have just connected again). And I don't have internet at home, only work right now. I sent her a message today. She replied "OH! I totally forgot. i had such a busy weekend". I laughed by butt off-she is still the same air head as she was. We are going to get together sometime and I will get her number. I wasn't mad or surprised when she didnt show up.


@cookinfreak  This was your first mistake.


For myself I would have stayed in touch on FB for a wee bit longer and then made plans, including a way to contact each other.


Something could have held you up, too, and left her sitting there.


I would just continue to FB for a while; catching up in person is nice but FB is just as good, imo.


You can decide later if you want to try the in-person route again.


Sometimes people from the past get in touch out of curiosity but the interest fades aways after a bit.  Years go by, lives are being lived, sometimes it becomes just not that important after the initial contact.


The initial rush of hearing from an old friend can fade very quickly.


Do what you feel is right for you but for me I would just use FB to stay in touch for now.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Had contact with friend from school

[ Edited ]

It's cookinfreak's decision.


If she is happy and it doesn't bother her, then that is the only thing that matters.


She is not you. (General universal meaning)


What you would or would not do is irrelevant.


It's her life.




I'm glad that she's not quick to write someone off after one incident.


Time will tell if this is a friendship that is worth keeping or not.



Cookinfreak gets to decide what's best, not us.






I'm on your side for giving your friend another chance.

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Re: Had contact with friend from school

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

It's cookinfreak's decision.


If she is happy and it doesn't bother her, then that is the only thing that matters.


She is not you.


What you would or would not do is irrelevant.


It's her life.




I'm glad that she's not quick to write someone off after one incident.


Time will tell if this is a friendship that is worth keeping or not.



Cookinfreak gets to decide what's best, not us.






I'm on your side for giving your friend another chance.

Me too. Woman Happy

You Don't Own Me- Leslie Gore
(You don't Know) How Glad I Am- Nancy Wilson
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Re: Had contact with friend from school

I feel very fortunate in that my two best friends from high school and I are still pretty close and although I don't see them a lot, I do see them about once a year.  One even lives in Canada but her parents still live in my hometown so she's down a few times a year to check up on them.  The other friend lives about 15 miles away.  I realize with kids,  grandkids and a different social life than we had in high school that it gets hard to make time for one another but I'm appreciative of the fact we all still do.  


As for your situation, I'd let your friend make the next move on lunch and if she does and the same thing happens, I'd not try again.  

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Re: Had contact with friend from school

Let us know when you hear from her to reschedule your lunch.