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I received a letter stating that my auto ship order for 2022 Honeybells was cancelled and so did others who posted about the situation.  I guessed that the company didn't want to take a loss since last years carton was 10 lbs and the new orders were 9 and 12 lbs - also wtth new shipping charges they would certainly lose money.  Lo and behold, yesterday I get a "Harry and David" box delivered with you guessed it Honeybells! They looked pretty bad - definitely not Harry and David standards. I imagine they are rejects from Harry and David that they shipped to QVC customers to "handle" the problem and keep QVC to their word about "first orders filled at same price" promise.  I could have bought better looking tangelos at the supermarket for the same or less and will do so in the future - really puts me off buying food on QVC.  I also noticed the expensive Lobster tails are no better than what I can buy at Wegmans - same price.

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they "looked pretty bad" but how did they actually taste.....sweet?, juicy?, full of flavor? sometimes fruit doesnt look good, but it is delicious on the inside.


good thing about qvc.....100% money back guarantee if they do not live up to your expectations and you dont have to return them.. you wont be out anything and then you can go and purchase your tangelos at the supermarket.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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@sunshine45 wrote:

they "looked pretty bad" but how did they actually taste.....sweet?, juicy?, full of flavor? sometimes fruit doesnt look good, but it is delicious on the inside.


good thing about qvc.....100% money back guarantee if they do not live up to your expectations and you dont have to return them.. you wont be out anything and then you can go and purchase your tangelos at the supermarket.

Publix also offers a money back guarantee. I can select the amount of fruit I want and bring it home when I purchase instead of waiting days for a deliverly. If I do not like the way it looks I will not buy and avoid a return and save the business a loss and leave the product for someone who may enjoy it.

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@sunshine45 wrote:

they "looked pretty bad" but how did they actually taste.....sweet?, juicy?, full of flavor? sometimes fruit doesnt look good, but it is delicious on the inside.


good thing about qvc.....100% money back guarantee if they do not live up to your expectations and you dont have to return them.. you wont be out anything and then you can go and purchase your tangelos at the supermarket.


@sunshine45, your post reminded me of my beloved ugly oranges I found in Walmart three years ago. On the outside they were all wrinkled and shriveled...looked horrible. The ad on the bag said something like "looks terrible, tastes great"...paraphrasing. I don't know why I even bought them. But OMG, they were the best oranges I ever had!!! I called them my "gnarly oranges" and the store carried them for that year and the next. Now I can no longer find them although I still check in hopes of seeing them again. Oh how I miss those delicious, ugly things!       

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@Iwantcoffee wrote:

@sunshine45 wrote:

they "looked pretty bad" but how did they actually taste.....sweet?, juicy?, full of flavor? sometimes fruit doesnt look good, but it is delicious on the inside.


good thing about qvc.....100% money back guarantee if they do not live up to your expectations and you dont have to return them.. you wont be out anything and then you can go and purchase your tangelos at the supermarket.

Publix also offers a money back guarantee. I can select the amount of fruit I want and bring it home when I purchase instead of waiting days for a deliverly. If I do not like the way it looks I will not buy and avoid a return and save the business a loss and leave the product for someone who may enjoy it.



yes, that is always a choice, depending on where you live and how the produce is this time of the year.....



there are certain fruits that i buy this time of year via online sites because they are always consistently good and with the same type of guarantee. i prefer to purchase them that way. i will pay more for an excellent product and excellent guarantee. pittman and davis.......ruby red grapefruits, naval oranges, and comice pears. i am very rarely disappointed and also like send them as gifts.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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@JerseyJ wrote:

I received a letter stating that my auto ship order for 2022 Honeybells was cancelled and so did others who posted about the situation.  I guessed that the company didn't want to take a loss since last years carton was 10 lbs and the new orders were 9 and 12 lbs - also wtth new shipping charges they would certainly lose money.  Lo and behold, yesterday I get a "Harry and David" box delivered with you guessed it Honeybells! They looked pretty bad - definitely not Harry and David standards.


I imagine they are rejects from Harry and David that they shipped to QVC customers to "handle" the problem and keep QVC to their word about "first orders filled at same price" promise.  I could have bought better looking tangelos at the supermarket for the same or less and will do so in the future - really puts me off buying food on QVC.  I also noticed the expensive Lobster tails are no better than what I can buy at Wegmans - same price.




This "making you crazy" is a serious waste of your time ... and money.    Step back and assess ....  just what are you doing? 


It's entirely possible this is a very bad crop year for Honeybells .... or supplies are just quite limited.  Who knows what affected supplies.   It actually might have not been QVC's fault with this little fiasco, and they're just doing the best they can.


BTW ....  Your comment about H&D "standards" made me laugh.  I have been gifted with Harry & David shipments three times, and they were all substandard food.   Frankly, I would NEVER send anyone a gift from them.  


As for QVC, the few things I've received were okay, but nothing to write home about, either.   I won't order food from QVC anymore, but others seem to like doing so.  Maybe for them it's the convenience factor.   


Keep in mind that each of us can only assess any food shipments based on what we receive, not what anyone else receives.    IMO, since we all know there are serious supply chain and shipment issues, I think this would be a very good year to skip food shipments altogether and just buy your oranges at the local grocery store.  At least you can pick and choose from the display, and not have to deal with the hassles we are all experiencing.


In the overall scheme of things right now, this is hardly something that should be "making you crazy".   

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I have ordered honeybells for years and they have been fantastic. Juicy, sweet and large.  This is the second year in a row that I got bad honeybells.  They didn't taste good -- weren't the least bit sweet.  And this year's honeybells were about the size of a tangerine.  I won't be purchasing any more in the future.

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@12andcounting wrote:

I have ordered honeybells for years and they have been fantastic. Juicy, sweet and large.  This is the second year in a row that I got bad honeybells.  They didn't taste good -- weren't the least bit sweet.  And this year's honeybells were about the size of a tangerine.  I won't be purchasing any more in the future.




I suspect they are dealing with a bad crop year.  

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Didn't Harry & David buy Cushman's Honeybells?  If so, that is H&D and as good as you're going to get from them.  Good citrus is contingent on so many factors that are out of the grower's control, it may not be the best crop to sell sight unseen.  Every year seems to be different from the last.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@JerseyJ wrote:

I received a letter stating that my auto ship order for 2022 Honeybells was cancelled and so did others who posted about the situation.  I guessed that the company didn't want to take a loss since last years carton was 10 lbs and the new orders were 9 and 12 lbs - also wtth new shipping charges they would certainly lose money.  Lo and behold, yesterday I get a "Harry and David" box delivered with you guessed it Honeybells! They looked pretty bad - definitely not Harry and David standards. I imagine they are rejects from Harry and David that they shipped to QVC customers to "handle" the problem and keep QVC to their word about "first orders filled at same price" promise.  I could have bought better looking tangelos at the supermarket for the same or less and will do so in the future - really puts me off buying food on QVC.  I also noticed the expensive Lobster tails are no better than what I can buy at Wegmans - same price.


Harry and David's quality hasn't been the same in years. I received a gift from them this year and the fruit was horrible looking. Look at their reviews on FB, they are awful. Exactly why I buy honeybells in my local grocery store.