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Re: 🤣 Grocery Delivery 😂

I only buy perishables in person ... everything else comes from Amazon through their subscribe and save. 





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Re: 🤣 Grocery Delivery 😂

Absolutely a 1st world problem!

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Re: 🤣 Grocery Delivery 😂


@Auntie CC wrote:

Absolutely a 1st world problem!

@Auntie CC , Did anyone say it wasn't ?  

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Re: 🤣 Grocery Delivery 😂

@Love my grandkids wrote:

@cjm61 I'm with you. I  couldn't stand to have someone else picking out my "stuff". I too often change my mind about something.


Plus, I enjoy stolling through Safeway and shopping. I know so many of the staff and it's fun to chat for a minute when I see one of them.

We enjoy our grocery store too.  


What should take 15 minutes, usually takes 30 or more with chatting included 😁.


When we miss more than 2 days, they always worry about us.  Nice people.

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Re: 🤣 Grocery Delivery 😂

@Zhills wrote:

I use Shipt to deliver from Publix and usually have the same shopper.  She shops as good as I do!  Anything she has a question about, she texts and often sends a picture of what is available. 


I trust her to select my produce.  Never been disappointed!


That sounds great.  

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Re: 🤣 Grocery Delivery 😂

I order groceries to be picked up from the parking lot often when I find I am in too much pain to shop.(bad knee) 


I order from GIANT.  All fruits and veggies have been perfect.  I never received anything with a blemish.


The only meat I order is Boars Head deli cold cuts.  Always perfect too.


The only problem was once when the shopper said the store was out of cream of chicken soup.....I went in right fter I picked up my order and as always, there was plenty.

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Re: 🤣 Grocery Delivery 😂

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the opportunity to have groceries delivered when I just don' t feel like going out. However, I had a good laugh when I unpacked my order and found a cauliflower the size of a med. orange. I have honestly never seen one that small. I guess it's time to go back to the store. 😹


I bought cauliflower too. Good grief! I was shocked at how small it was. I could hold it in one palm.

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Re: 🤣 Grocery Delivery 😂

Here there are no store deliveries to home..not even a pizza..

I can order groceries and pick them up..No point to that..I still have to get to the store.

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Re: 🤣 Grocery Delivery 😂

I have gotten cabbage instead of iceberg lettuce a few times, What! Woman Very Happy

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Re: 🤣 Grocery Delivery 😂

Thanks for this above Feedback 


I'm still on "30 day Trial" for Amz Prime.

The "salad kits" I ordered arrived fresh & perfect. 

The Frozen Foods, arrived more frozen then when I buy them at the grocery 1 mile away.


I'm nervous abt ordering fresh fruits & veggies, of which I eat A LOT!  Very little "processed foods."


Question:    Are these above "OOOPS's" "fresh fruits/veggies" ordered thru Amz Prime, or by some other Deliverer?  TIA!

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