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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Grannies of today, are nothing like their own grandmothers were.

@CatsyCline   said:  my mother must have got his gift, she had an uncanny knack of knowing what i was up to as a kid. even as an adult...oohh she didn't miss a trick.  we cannot talk on the phone any more, she lives with my sister in FL. she cannot hear (refuses to wear hearing aides)


if we could talk,  i suppose she would still be doing her "aha! gotcha!" routine.


Would your mother be amenable to using a captioned phone?  If you think she would please review the linked article.


Free Caption Phones for Seniors with Hearing Loss

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Grannies of today, are nothing like their own grandmothers were.

  • My mother's mother, my Nana was a traditional grandmother. She had a lifelong heart condition and died at 62, when I was 8. I adored her. At 62 she was an elderly woman. A tiny woman with silver braids who wore house dresses, aprons and slippers. She baked, knitted, did jig saw puzzles. I'm 62 and I don't believe I will ever become that type of old lady grandmother. My father's mother was the opposite. She lived on NYC and she and her husband were the superintendents in a very posh apartment building. They had an apartment in the building and they supervised the maintenance staff and took care of all of the needs of the tenants. Their apartment was as posh as the tenants. My grandmother loved fashion and eating in nice restaurants. She rarely cooked, She didn't have the time. She'd get take out meals from local restaurants. French, Italian, Greek, Chinese. A difficult cuisine every night. She died at 72, a week after my brother and I had spent the month of August with her. I had a nurturing, motherly grandmother and a hardworking, professional grandmother and loved both dearly.  
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,892
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Grannies of today, are nothing like their own grandmothers were.

These are marvelous stories. We truly are a nation of immigrants. Many of our grandmothers worked very hard, every day, often with very little material wealth but an abundance of fortitude, love, and a belief in a better future for their children and grandchildren. Many achieved that goal, thankfully for us.

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Registered: ‎07-24-2013

Re: Grannies of today, are nothing like their own grandmothers were.

@Marp wrote:

@CatsyCline   said:  my mother must have got his gift, she had an uncanny knack of knowing what i was up to as a kid. even as an adult...oohh she didn't miss a trick.  we cannot talk on the phone any more, she lives with my sister in FL. she cannot hear (refuses to wear hearing aides)


if we could talk,  i suppose she would still be doing her "aha! gotcha!" routine.


Would your mother be amenable to using a captioned phone?  If you think she would please review the linked article.


Free Caption Phones for Seniors with Hearing Loss

@Marp  just read your reply!  Thank you so much!   i was not aware of these special phones. will tell my sister about them.   i have not talked with my mom since last May! Sadly even before then we had a tough time communicating by phone,


Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,292
Registered: ‎06-15-2015

Re: Grannies of today, are nothing like their own grandmothers were.

@qualitygal wrote:

Talking with some friends today, about that.  I mean we're able to have so much more going on now, than they ever had.  My grandmother raised 5 and grew up on a farm.  I think she'd be pretty amazed at the grandmothers of today.







"How about your experience with that"?





My experience with my only grandmother? "Don't sit on that/don't touch that". Pretty much it, the few times she allowed me to visit her apartment.


hckynut 🇺🇸






