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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

I was only asked to stay for 10 minutes.   I have no idea if I was monitored.  I walked around the store, bought a few little things and, by then, the 10 minutes were done so I left.

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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

@SharonZ wrote:

Hi Songbird:


I had the Moderna, and didn't stay for the 15 minutes either.  I already had my second injection, and suffered no side effects.  I guess it just depends on the individual.

That's what I'm hoping for.  My arm was really sore for a day and a half.  But I never had a fever or anything like that.

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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

They ask the vaccine recipients to stay in order that they be monitored for anaphactic shock.  Very rare, but vaccine sites should be equipped with life saving epi pens if necessary. 


Yes, there was a waiting area, and I followed the instructions and stayed for the 15 minutes.  (A person driving a vehicle who goes into shock could potentially injure someone other than himself /herself.)  

Do the math.
Posts: 38
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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

@123SuzyQ123 wrote:

Neither I nor my 4 family members who had the 2 Moderna shots had any side effects or problems at all.  My son who got the Pfizer got sort of dizzy and felt bad for about 4 hours after getting the first Pfizer.


I read that that most of the younger people get more side effects because they have a stronger immune system.

Posts: 38
Registered: ‎04-09-2019

Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

@mimomof4 wrote:

24 hrs after my first Moderna shot I felt horrible - chills, upset stomach, fatigue.  It lasted 24 hours.  I'm hoping that I don't get all of this on the second shot.

@mimomof4 wrote:

24 hrs after my first Moderna shot I felt horrible - chills, upset stomach, fatigue.  It lasted 24 hours.  I'm hoping that I don't get all of this on the second shot.

You side effects show that your immune system is doing its job.

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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

With all the talk about bad things that can happen months later or even years later from these vaccines, I don't trust them.  I'm not the only one.  I'm not laying down my life for anything I'm not sure of.


The new diseases that are now coming on board will make this one probably look like a party.  I saw that one of those vaccines can cause heart trouble oh man, just all kinds of horrors.  I stay to myself anyway.  I've been a recluse by choice way before this thing walked in.


After all, you REALLY don't know what you're putting in your body.  "Only" what they tell you.......

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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

@JJsMom wrote:

I only had a sore arm with the first Moderna shot, but I got really sick with the second one. I had fever, chills, and aches all over. I couldn't get out of bed the day after. It started almost exactly 12 hours after the shot and only last about a day and a half. Of course you may experience none of this, but I wouldn't plan anything the couple of days after your second shot just in case. I'm relieved to have it done with and be fully vaccinated.


Just based on personal experience, younger people seem to have a harsher reaction. My mom, who is over 80, had barely any reaction, and her friends didn't either, but most of the people I know under 50 got sick for a day or two. I don't know if there's a reason for that or if it's just coincidence.

and they're saying that this is probably only good for six months and you have to do it again.  This disease is cousin to the common cold.  When I was a teenager I got tons of colds, flu, pneumonia.  I trust GOD alone.  He can protect me, not man can and if He does not, I still don't trust whatever it is they've got.

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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

@Tayler1 wrote:

@123SuzyQ123 wrote:

Neither I nor my 4 family members who had the 2 Moderna shots had any side effects or problems at all.  My son who got the Pfizer got sort of dizzy and felt bad for about 4 hours after getting the first Pfizer.


I read that that most of the younger people get more side effects because they have a stronger immune system.

A younger person's immune system does not have all the "memory" that an older person's has.  An oler person has come in contact with tons more pathogens and the immune system logs them all.  Just paraphrasing but long story short, this is more where I lean towards.

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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

@77yangya wrote:

@JJsMom wrote:

I only had a sore arm with the first Moderna shot, but I got really sick with the second one. I had fever, chills, and aches all over. I couldn't get out of bed the day after. It started almost exactly 12 hours after the shot and only last about a day and a half. Of course you may experience none of this, but I wouldn't plan anything the couple of days after your second shot just in case. I'm relieved to have it done with and be fully vaccinated.


Just based on personal experience, younger people seem to have a harsher reaction. My mom, who is over 80, had barely any reaction, and her friends didn't either, but most of the people I know under 50 got sick for a day or two. I don't know if there's a reason for that or if it's just coincidence.

and they're saying that this is probably only good for six months and you have to do it again.  This disease is cousin to the common cold.  When I was a teenager I got tons of colds, flu, pneumonia.  I trust GOD alone.  He can protect me, not man can and if He does not, I still don't trust whatever it is they've got.

I was told my Moderna was only good for six months, also, @77yangya . I believe Covid will always be with us in the future, just like our Influenza vaccine. Many still die annually with the influenza. I've always taken the flu vaccine and can't remember ever having it. So, I will continue with the Covid vaccine. 

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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

It's unbelievable what's happennhg in India. They have vaccinated less than 1%. They have no oxygen, and I heard the number of 3000 dying daily. The U.S. is going to help them. Indian doctors talking about watching them dying w/o oxygen. Desperate for help needed.