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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

[ Edited ]

we had our 2nd Moderna shot last week....from the health dept.  in our was set up in one of the schools and out both side effects for either of us.  

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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

DH had his at our local doctor's office (the J&J vaccine).  Because of my RA I waited to get the two-dose vaccine.


The hospital organized a clinic in the nearby mall and it was extremely well organized.  Nurses administered the shots and a second person filled out your card and entered the date for the second shot.


They handed you a timer set for 15 minutes and there was seating and bottles of water, if you wanted one.  Everyone was efficient and pleasant.  I was grateful to all of them for their efforts to put an end to this pandemic.


Regarding laminating the card: it's been definitely stated not to do that for several reasons.  The ink could be affected by the heat and made unreadable.  Also, if they have to give boosters in the future, they won't be able to add the new information.  I've taken a photo of mine on my phone and will also photocopy it, to keep in the filing cabinet.

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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

I had my Pfizer shots a super center.  The organization was topnotch.  For both shots the young ladies who administered my shots took their time to double check my information and make conversation with me.  It was not like herding cattle. Every person I encountered along the way was personable and knowledgeable.

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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

i just had my 2nd Pfizer shot on Monday. No issues with either. My first shot gave me a sore arm for few hours; 2nd shot barely felt anything. waited for the Pfizer vaxx was leery of the Moderna for certain reasons.

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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

@Wsmom wrote:

@gidgetgh wrote:

@songbird - so glad you got it done.  I thought about you yesterday, but the boards were down.


remember to take a picture of your card.


And for your husband, you might try calling your Rite Aid late in the day or another pharmacy and ask if they have any leftover doses.  That's how my sister got hers.  The key is to call early evening.  So,etikes people don't show up for their appts. And they have extras.

On the subject of taking a picture of your card (which I did), I didn't get mine laminated in case they do boosters so I ordered the covers from Amazon.  They work perfectly and now hopefully won't get ripped or anything.

Thanks for telling me about calling the pharmacy for leftover doses.  I didn't think about that.  He really wants to avoid the mass vaccination sites. 

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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

Had my vaccines at an indoor mass vaccination site and was impressed how well run it was.  Plenty of space between stations.  people to direct you to open statiions who double confirmed you and your 1st vaccination date so the timeline was correct. 

they gave you a card with your exit time then directed you to another auditorium with spaced chairs  in numbered areas for first timers and second shotters.  They had rolling computers and helped people set up their 2nd appointment right then and there. 

I waited a little longer than my 15 minutes because, Darn! they had an Awesome playlist! 

I Do feel it is an IMPORTANT step to sick around for the observation time.  ESPECIALY after the second shot because you were "Primed" to mount an immune response by the 1st shot. that's what's supposed to happen. They are not looking for the usual side effects,  they are looking for severe vaccine REACTIONS.   Better to be right where you can be treated instead of help having to go and find you while times a wastin'!

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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

Neither I nor my 4 family members who had the 2 Moderna shots had any side effects or problems at all.  My son who got the Pfizer got sort of dizzy and felt bad for about 4 hours after getting the first Pfizer.


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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

@songbird wrote:

My instructions for the 2nd shot was, drink a lot of water, plan on not doing anything strenuous the following day.  Have someone look after you on occasion.  Dont' take any medications (like Ibuprofen, etc) until after the shot. 


Also it may be a yearly booster will be required.  Like the flu shot. Just take it once a year.  That's the latest I've read.



Good for you!

I was told it would be good to have someone around after the second shot.  DH & I hung around for one another, no care needed!



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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

Please everyone, stay for the monitoring period after your shots.  My cousin had an immediate, major reaction to her first shot and needed medical assistance.  She's in the very small minority of people who've had problems, but they ask you to stay for a reason. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Got my 1st Moderna shot yesterday

Husband got an appointment!  It's at a pharmacy too.  It's abut 4 miles away, so not too bad.  This one is a walgreens.  His first shot is scheduled a few days after my 2nd one.